Governor of São Paulo criticized the government of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) this Sunday (16) during a pro-ninety act in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro
This Sunday (16), Brasilia was the scene of a significant demonstration called by former President Jair Bolsonaro. The event brought together supporters of the amnesty project those involved in the attacks of January 8, highlighting the continuous political division in the country. Among those present was the governor of São Paulo, who took the opportunity to criticize the federal government in a speech that quickly gained prominence on social networks.
During his speech, Tarcísio de Freitas criticized President Lula’s management, especially regarding the campaign promise about reducing food prices. He pointed out that, despite the promise of picanha, the reality is that the population has no egg, a reference to the 67.1% increase in egg price, according to data from the Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics at USP.
In addition to economic criticism, the governor of São Paulo also addressed the issue of Bolsonaro’s ineligibility. Tarcisio argued that there is no justification for such a decision except the fear of a possible electoral defeat of the current government. He vehemently defended the amnesty project for those involved in the undemocratic acts of January, stating that he believes in his approval in the National Congress. In a challenging tone, Tarcisio instigated opponents to speak out against the amnesty, stating that the participants of the acts are innocent and that the penalties applied were derailed.