The SaS party files a criminal complaint with the Government Plenipotentiary for verifying the process of management and management of resources during the Covid-19 pandemic Petr Kotlár for suspected spread of the alarm report. The reason is Kotlár’s last week’s statements questioning the safety and efficacy of MRNA vaccines. Liberal officials announced this on Monday before the headquarters of the Prosecutor’s Office (GP) of the Slovak Republic.
“From the statements we heard, we have taken the belief that the factual nature of the spread of the alarm message was fulfilled“said the deputy for the SaS and the member of the Committee of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Tomáš Szalay.
He pointed out that the criminal submission was coming before the planned Wednesday (19. 3.) by the meeting of Kotlár with the Prosecutor General of the Slovak Republic Maroš Žilinka. “The Prosecutor General can thus confront the statements of Mr. Kotlar with the materials we present to him“he explained.
Szalay’s parliamentary colleague Jana Bittó Cigániková asks what else to be the spread of the alarm message, as what the government representative has shown. “What else is to be defined as the spread of alarm message, as someone is haunting people who may reject vaccination in the future on the basis of such statements, although their health will require it,” she highlighted.
Mária Kolíková, Vice -President of SaS, declared that the submission is not directed against freedom of opinion, but draws attention to the legal consequences of such a statement. “If someone spreads delusions, nonsense that can endanger people’s health and lives, they should bear the consequences for it,” she stressed.
Last week, Kotlár said that the results of the analysis of vaccines used against the Covid-19 disease in the Slovak population showed that in all tested bars of the MRNA vaccines there was a genetic information that has the ability to modify human DNA. According to him, this can lead to several serious diseases. Kotlár’s statements were condemned by the professional public and health institutions, pointing out that Kotlár did not provide any scientific evidence of his claims. The opposition calls for a boiler to be dismissed.