The street no longer serves Bolsonaro – 17/03/2025 – Dora Kramer

by Andrea

The street convened by (PL) and company have been emptying. Sunday (16) in Copacabana gathered less than the act of April 2024, on the same beach, which in turn was much smaller than the previous ones.

Now perhaps the problem was the theme. Amnesty for the convicts of, in which the former president wants to take a ride, it is not, as the president of, (Union-AP) said, a subject that touches the minds, the hearts and, above all, the pockets of Brazilians.

In addition to the lack of public regarding the announced expectation of up to 1 million people – – there were remarkable absences of heavy allies, such as governors and mayors of capital.

With the exception was the most important of Bolsonaro’s succession candidates in the right -hand lead, the governor of São Paulo, (Republicans). His presence said much more about the strategy of guaranteeing in this audience and making the former president malleable to an indication to dispute than the sincere desire to see the amnesty approved to the mass of maneuver of the attempt of coup.

It is true that even if the expected multitude had gathered, the demonstration would have no power of influence on the trial to be started on the 25th in the first class of the Supreme Federal Court.

There, the speed of the procedures signaled the intention to end the process later this year. In case of condemnation, there will be no amnesty that does it: Bolsonaro will be ineligible for a long time. The act, however, served to demonstrate that Bolsonaro’s ability to mobilize traction. Your admirers seem less and less excited to buy a fight with good chances of being lost.

We also have an indication that the propalated social seizure as a result of a conviction followed by prison will not have fertile ground to happen. Bolsonaro himself normalizes this scenario when speaking all the time in the event of being arrested. And without the flame of surprise it is difficult to have short circuit.

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