A recent study published in Russia has revealed a fact that has made alarms jump in the country. As reported from the DSM group, In charge of carrying it out, the Russian population seems to be not very good for the war that their country libra in Ukraine.
According to the data revealed in the investigation, it is estimated that the Russians since 2022, the year in which Putin began the invasion of Ukraine, They buy 2.5 times more antidepressants than before that moment.
But this is not the only worrying fact, since at the economic level, the situation of the Russian population is not better. In fact it is much worse than before the start of the war, something that is checked with this same data: At the beginning of the war in Ukraine the antidepressants cost 3.4 times less than todaydue among other reasons to the strong inflation that the country ravages, caused by Western sanctions.
And the situation goes further, since since 2022, the Russians not only buy more antidepressants, but also spend more money and resort most frequently to mental health experts to address their personal situations.
Finally, another study, prepared by the Agency of Strategic Initiatives, concludes with a fact that is more striking and worrying if possible: 10% of the Russian population (about 15 million people) They crossed a moment of depression at the end of 2023.