More than 600 involved in the scoup acts of 8 rejected the Agreement of Criminal Non-Persecution proposed by the Attorney General’s Office (MPF) and must continue to be responsible for the accusations of depredation of the buildings of the three powers in Brasilia.
O, but more than half refused or did not respond to the offer. The proposal was directed to those who responded solely for crime and criminal association. Most of them, according to the PGR, remained at the camp assembled at the Army Headquarters in Brasilia, and did not participate in the invasion of the Three Powers Square.
The Agreement of Criminal Non -Persecution (ANPP) offered by the MPF meant that the accused would no longer be subject to prison sentences and would have their passports returned. In return, those involved should confess the crimes and meet some conditions.
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Among the requirements were the payment of a fine of R $ 5,000, the ban on social networks for two years and participation in a course on democracy and the Democratic Rule of Law.
The president of the Supreme Federal Court (STF), Luís Roberto Barroso, commented on the refusal to the agreement, calling it a “ideological manifestation” of some involved. According to Barroso, more than half of the 1,200 accused did not accept the proposal, which “demystifies” the idea that those involved would be innocent or confused about what was happening. For Barroso, the refusal reflects a “posture of radicality” among scammers, who prefer to face convictions to accept a “very moderate” agreement.
One of the reasons for the refusal of the agreement is the hope that Jair Bolsonaro (PL) and his allies will be able to approve a bill that predicts the amnesty for those involved in the scammers of January 8. Although the project finds Echo in the House, it can face barriers in.
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Even without an express mention in the Constitution, there is the argument that crimes such as those committed during the coup are impassive of amnesty, as Minister Dias Toffoli has already recognized by declaring the unconstitutionality of grace grant to former Deputy Daniel Silveira.
To date, 898 defendants have been held responsible for the invasion of 8 January, with 371 sentenced to private penalties of liberty. Another 527 accepted the agreement of non -criminal prosecution and received alternative penalties.
For those who refused the agreement, the penalties include a fine of 10 minimum wages due to incitement to the crime, 225 hours of service to the community, participation in the course “Democracy, Rule of Law and Coup of State” and restrictions on rights, such as the prohibition of social networks and retention of the passport until the end of the penalty.
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Although the penalties imposed by the Supreme Court are similar to the conditions offered in the agreement, an important difference is that at the end of the process, those involved will become non -primary defendants, which may aggravate future convictions and limit the granting of certain rights, such as the possession of weapons.
In addition, the conviction includes the obligation to indemnify for collective moral damages in the amount of R $ 5 million, to be paid in a jointly and so on among the convicts.