Five advertising agencies concentrate the money, which is controlled by the PT).
Budget execution data show that by 2024 these companies received about R $ 755 million for the government for advertisements and campaigns of public interest, such as encouraging vaccination and dengue.
The amount represents 78% of the nearly R $ 966 million committed (a stage before payment) last year for government promotion in the media. Less than 1.5% of the total value of campaigns was executed by organs of other powers, such as the (Superior Electoral Court).
The National Communication, a destination of R $ 225 million, was the largest beneficiary of 2024. Then were the agencies Calia (R $ 180 million), Nova (R $ 177 million), Propeg (R $ 111 million) and debit (R $ 62 million).
This concentration of money in some agencies was also in the government of (). In 2022, about 86% of the funds were in the hands of five companies, and Calia was the one that managed the largest figure – R $ 208 million of the $ 806 million committed that year.
In general, the concentration occurs because these companies have overcome the bids of the federal agencies with the most budget for advertising, such as Secom (Secretariat of Social Communication) of the Presidency and the Ministry of. These two folders account for over 70% of the value invested by Lula management in campaigns last year.
The money is used for the production of advertising campaigns and the insertion of ads in TV channels, internet, newspapers, billboards and other means. A portion becomes a profit from the agencies.
Data from the federal government’s transparency portals show the values distributed for advertising by Secom and Ministries.
Main public and state banks, in turn, do not reveal how much they pay for agencies and vehicles and did not have the expenses considered in the survey of Sheet.
The available values (that is, without adding campaigns from Banco do Brasil, Caixa, Petrobras and other organs) show that the national communication has taken the lead in government advertising funds. Under Bolsonaro, the company growth in 2022, when it managed campaigns of about $ 100 million.
Nacional fired on this ranking after the agency wins Secom’s bids in 2021 and, also conducted by Bolsonaro management.
Partner of the National Communication since 2023, the political scientist of Federal Deputy Paulo Pimenta (PT), former minister of Secom. The friendship between Pimenta and Corbellini dates back to the time of the student movement in Rio Grande do Sul. The publicist is godfather of one of the children of the petista.
In a statement, the agency said it provides services to the presidency “after being one of the chosen bidding process in 2021”.
“Like the other contracts that national maintains with other federal agencies, all results of public and transparent processes. The values committed are related to the sum of these contracts, and all are under permanent scrutiny of the inspection agencies,” said National Communication.
Public agencies with more valuable advertising accounts, such as Secom (R $ 563 million annually) and the Ministry of Health (R $ 260 million), select more than one agency with each bid. After the contract is signed, the companies vie for each other to take on each campaign that will be launched.
Considering ministries, banks and state -owned companies, federal advertising contracts owe in the Lula administration, after the completion of bids that are still open. The amount effectively disbursed by public agencies is lower, as it depends on the budget of each year.
In a statement, Secom said it maintains a contract with bidding agencies. “The advertising actions carried out by Secom are directly linked to the institutional mission of the portfolio, which should give broad knowledge to the federal executive’s policies and programs, to disseminate citizens and services at their disposal, to stimulate society’s participation in the debate and formulation of public policies, among others,” said the secretary, led by Sidônio Palmeira.
The portfolio also stated that advertising and sponsorship hires by public companies and mixed capital company are defined, in each year, by the limit of up to 0.5% of gross revenue from the previous year.
Calia said it follows the legislation on bids and for the provision of publicity to the public power.
“In compliance with compliance standards and in order to preserve the confidentiality and confidentiality of our customers’ campaigns, we clarify that information about the administrative contracts of the government can be accessed through the transparency portal and also on the organs websites,” the company said.
Propeg agency said in a statement that all its public contracts are signed after bids. “In addition, Propeg strictly follows the contractual rules in the provision of services,” the company said.
The new one said it has assumed government accounts through bids overdue in the last 20 years. The agency said it presents on its website the information about public competition.
Sought, the debrite did not speak.