Abraji criticizes Eduardo Bolsonaro’s attack on journalist – 17/03/2025 – Panel

by Andrea

The (Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism) issued on Monday (17) a note condemning attacks by the federal deputy (PL-SP) against the journalist, Plato BR, motivated by a report about the parliamentarian.

The offensive of the former president of the former president (PL) occurred after the journalist published text about L just as Congress discussed, in session, parliamentary amendments.

Abraji cites misinformation campaign headed by Eduardo and other allies, in which he says the journalist would have caused the arrest of former advisor to Jair Bolsonaro. In October 2023, Amado published the information that Martins would have entered the United States on December 30, 2022 ,.

The former Bolsonaro advisor was arrested in an operation of the Federal Police and later released after the defense and that the immigration document would be wrong. Beloved, then, updated the report to include the correction, indicating that there was a record of Martins’ trip to Brazil, but not the confirmation of the trip.

“Like his followers, Eduardo Bolsonaro discloses the false information that Guilherme Amado’s report would be responsible for the arrest of Martins,” writes the association. “However, Minister Alexandre de Moraes’s decision to decree the arrest of former Bolsonaro’s advisor is not based on the report, but on a Federal Police report.”

Abraji states that the deputy “systematically tries to disbelief the work of journalists through threats, virtual attacks and misinformation campaigns.” “The publication is intended to mobilize its supporters against the journalist and thus try to silence their work, precisely when it shows contradictions of their performance as a parliamentary,” follows the note.

“Parliamentarians, for the exercise of an elective position, must support the public scrutiny of their activities, considering the impact they generate on budget and public life,” he says. “The threats and intimidations are a serious violation of press freedom – which must be respected by all and is a constitutional obligation of public agents.”

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