Boconist ‘Good Soldier’ ​​will replace Eduardo in committee – 18/03/2025 – Power

by Andrea

The opposition leader at, Zucco (-RS), will replace (PL-SP) in charge of the House Foreign Relations Commission (Creden) after the former president’s son decides to license from office and stay in the United States.

Eduardo’s decision was announced on a video published on Youtube on Tuesday (18). Since the beginning of the year, he has spent most of his time in the country in search of sanctions or retaliation to the Brazilian judiciary.

In the video, the deputy says he made the “harder” decision of his life because he can be arrested by Alexandre de Moraes. It also says that Brazil is experiencing a period of exception and will be in the United States to seek punishment to the magistrate.

“I received the invitation from my colleague and friend, Deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro, to chair the Foreign Relations and National Defense Commission. The appointment of my name was also endorsed by the president,” said Zucco.

“As a good soldier I have always been, I receive the indication of my name as a mission to be fulfilled. The most important thing, by the way, in the face of the state of affairs that Brazil lives. However, I will await the definition of the distribution of commissions by the presidency of the House of Representatives so that he can speak officially about the subject,” he added.

The final decision on the composition of the collegiate of the house takes place this afternoon, at a meeting of leaders, at 14h. But as the PL has the prerogative, by regiment, to make the first choices and Creden was a priority, it is unlikely that Zucco is not confirmed at the end of the day.

The opposition leader is close to the clan, and even spent the carnival holiday alongside Bolsonaro in Angra dos Reis.

In a note, the PL regretted the exit. “The Liberal Party follows by posts, believing in the political strength of our country and the institutions of the three powers to cross this difficult moment we are experiencing.”


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