The governor of the Federal District, Ibaneis Rocha (MDB), did not attend an agenda with President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) on Tuesday (18), in Brasilia. The event in question was the inauguration of the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), of which Ibaneis was part of the board of directors.
According to the portal MetropolisIbaneis sent a message to the president -elect Beto Simonetti, explaining his absence due to the presence of President Lula.
In the message, the governor stated: “I made an appointment with me that I do not walk in territory that President Lula is present, at least until he retracts with me for accused me, in a light way, of being accomplice of Bolsonaro on 8/1”.
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Still in communication with Simonetti, Ibaneis wished “all happiness” to the president of the OAB in his second term.
by the Minister of the Supreme Court, Alexandre de Moraes, after the attacks and depredations to public buildings in the Praça dos Três Powers, on January 8, 2023.
President Lula, in an interview with the newspaper The globea year after the acts of vandalism in Congress, STF and Planalto Palace, said there was “a pact” between Ibaneis Rocha and former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL), which would have allowed the violence of 8 January.
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“I was at the hotel watching them burning buses, cars and the police accompanying nothing. There was actually a pact between the former president of the Republic [Jair Bolsonaro]the governor of Brasilia [Ibaneis Rocha] and the police, both the army and the DF, as well as federal police officers participating. That could not happen if the state did not want to happen, ”said Lula in January 2024.
In March of this year, Minister Alexandre de Moraes, investigated for alleged criminal association, attempted violent abolition of the Democratic Rule of Law and coup.
During the OAB ceremony, President Lula compared the 2022 coup attempt, for which Bolsonaro and other reported allies, to the bomb attack at the OAB headquarters in 1980.
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Lula also stated that “fascism reappears” in the global scenario, while in Brazil “political intolerance” led to an “murder attempt” against him, his vice president Geraldo Alckmin (PSB), and then president of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), Alexandre de Moraes.