Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will abandon the international convention that prohibits terrestrial military mines. Fear Russian invasion.
A Poland, a Estonia, a Latonia and Lithuania they go abandon a convention International that prohibits terrestrial military minesclaiming the need to reinforce the defenses in the board.
The position was made public today, after a meeting between the Ministers of Defense of Poland and three Baltic states.
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland, countries that border Russia, consider that since the ratification of the convention on the ban on anti -personal mines (OTAVA CONVENTION)a security situation in the region got worse.
“With this decision, we are sending a clear message: Our countries are ready and can use all necessary measures To defend Our territories and our freedom, ”said the defense ministers in a joint statement.
Ministers state that in the face of the environment of instability, marked by the aggression of Russia and the permanent threat For the “Euro-Atlantic Community”, it is essential to evaluate all measures designed to reinforce all skills of dissuasion and defense.
Despite the decision, the four countries said it was committed to international humanitarian lawincluding civil protection during armed conflicts.
Last week, the Lithuanian Defense Minister said in Warsaw that the Finland, that also borders Russia, can also decide to withdraw from the OTAVA Convention.