Mariana Rodrigues, 28, gives family medicine consultations in her 200 inhabitants village.
Mariana came to make life easier for many residents of the parish of Lombo, some for 6 months without consultations. Because it is from the village, they are more comfortable with her and so “they don’t get cold”, as going to the hospital “costs” more than 50 kilometers.
MARIANA RODRIGUES He is 28 years old, the specialty in General and Family Medicine has been over and for almost a year that he has given primary health consultations to the village population from where he is from Macedo de Cavaleiros, in the Bragança district. The locality is called Loin23 kilometers from the county headquarters and has around 200 residents.
“I have a year to be a year to be an expert, I am an internal of the last year. transforms the parish council space into your office. An idea that has been adhered to, accounts for the president of the Parish Council, Miguel Cabeleiro, who marks an average of 10 to 12 scheduled consultations.
This was the solution found in April last year, when Several people reported having been a family doctorwhich was causing embarrassment, for example, to renew prescription or mark exams. “We had people who had been without consultations for six months And then they were still postponed longer. Then we thought it was the ideal time to bet on this service ”, contextualized the mayor.
The assistant in the service is nurse Liliana Alves, who is from Bragança and whose boyfriend is from the loin. “People ask when the next appointment will be, so there is also some accompaniment on our part,” he said.
More comfortable places with someone in the house
Each consultation has the value of 15 euros: 10 paid by the Parish Council and 5 by the user. For António Pedro, renovated and who has repeated the dose at least three times, “this is almost in a blossom.” The elderly, like so many others in the locality, has no family doctor.
“Last year I found myself badly and didn’t get a doctor to see me at the health center. Now I went to do some tests and came to show them, I took advantage of the drugs,” he shared with Lusa.
Mariana came to make Antonio’s life easier: “I spoke to her and said she had a problem to go to the health center and she said she helped me,” he confided. It also admits that because the doctor is from the village, they are more comfortable with her.
Manuel Pedro, who came with his wife, Joana, highlighted another point: “It’s always good something that helps elderly people.
Tens of kilometers to the hospital
To the district capital, Bragança – launched Manuel, in Merceiro accounts – “are 60 miles”Even Mirandela, where is another hospital, is 50.
Of public transport, the population has only the school bus, which goes in the morning and returns at night. In summer, without classes, the call is made three times a month, on the days of fair.
“We have even tried to talk to the company. We continue without regular transportation In the children’s holidays, ”lamented Miguel Homemade.
“I still believe it is worth it”
Mariana, who always wanted to be a family doctor, says it’s a taste to go to the village. “I like it from this contact. Want to stay in Trás-os-Montes, if you have this opportunity: “I don’t intend to get out of here”smiled the future family doctor.
In terms of formation, he undid the idea that something can be lost being further from the big centers.
“Nothing is losing nothing. Quite the contrary. Even this project we have here, maybe if it was in a large center, it was not going to have this opportunity,” the doctor said, launching more colleagues who experience other areas of the country, where they can do everything the same “or even more.”
As for the cons of the specialty, Mariana said that family doctors work many hours and on complex issues, which can lead to demotivation and tiredness, to join bureaucratic tasks, such as passing recipes or reporting.
“I still believe it is worth it.
In January of this year, were registered in primary health care at the Northeast Local Health Unit 126,023 users, 13,688 without a family doctor, according to data from the Portal for Transparency of the National Health Service.