For these sins, no Catholic will get absolution from a priest during Easter confession
The Catholic Church is preparing for Easter. One of the most important stages of these preparations is. This is not only a duty, but above all a chance for a spiritual revival and a deeper survival of the Holidays of the Resurrection. It is a time of reflection, examination of conscience and reconciliation with God and neighbors. It is a spiritual purification that allows you to experience the joy of the resurrection of Christ with a pure heart. However, when preparing for confession, many of us do not even realize that for some. In some situations, the Holy See’s intervention is necessary. What sins will you not get absolution during confession?
Sins for which you will not get absolution. List
In traditional teaching of the Catholic Church, there are sins for which the priest cannot give absolution without special consent or procedure. Such sins include:
Conscious and voluntary duration in a hard sin
To get absolution, honest repentance and a resolution to improve are needed. For example, if someone lives in a non -sacramental relationship and does not intend to change it, the priest may refuse absolution.
Sacrilege (e.g. profanation of the Eucharist)
Hard insulting of the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, requires the consent of the Holy See to absolution.
Physical violence against the Pope
This act results in automatic excommunication, and absolution can only be given by the pope or the priest he delegated.
Absolution of a partner in sin against the 6th commandment
The priest who participated in the sin of uncleanness cannot give absolution to the partner himself – the consent of the Vatican is needed.
Betrayal of the mystery of confession
The priest who revealed the content of confession is excommunicated and cannot be absolved by an ordinary confessor.
Heresy, apostasy, schism
The conscious and voluntary rejection of the Catholic faith requires a special procedure to return to church.
Light sins that do not need to be confessed
It is also worth noting that in the Catholic Church there is a division into heavy sins, such as murder, adultery, theft or false accusations, and light sins. Of the latter, the faithful are not obliged to confess, because they are forgiven during a universal confession, which takes place at every Holy Mass. .
- Other people’s sins – those that a partner or parent made, for example.
- Our dreams, memories and emotions
- Distractions during prayer, doubts in faith.
- Absence at the Sunday mass due to illness or independent obstacles.
- Laziness, floating.
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