A clogged drain in the sink can really torment the nerves of every housewife. Fortunately, there is a simple and effective way to solve this problem in a few minutes and without expensive chemicals. All you need is two common ingredients that you certainly have at home in the kitchen.

A clogged drain in the sink is an extremely unpleasant problem. The inconvenience usually occurs when we do not pay attention to what ends in the pipeline. However, you can solve this regular home problem quickly and effectively without calling an expensive plumber. Just know the right procedure and have some basic ingredients at hand.

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A clogged outflow in the sink is a really annoying problem. Difficulties are most common when we do not follow what ends in the pipeline. Before washing the dishes, it is important to get rid of food residues by throwing them into the trash. Otherwise, they end up in the outflow, increasing the risk of developing the roadblock.

Similarly, it is with hot fat that can solidify on the walls of the pipes. Such a situation may cause clogging in a relatively short time. The remnants of food, hair or fat are gradually packing on top of each other and creating an impermeable barrier.

However, clogging is not the only problem. If food remnants have accumulated in the pipes, a very unpleasant odor may start to start after some time. Ignoring the problem will certainly reduce the comfort of using the sink and stay in its vicinity. Therefore, it is better to act as soon as you notice the first signs of slow water drainage.

Miracle combination from the kitchen: soda and vinegar as a rescue for your pipeline

Before calling the plumber to a clogged runoff, it is worth trying a simple home way that can help solve the problem. All we have to do is one popular ingredient that each of us probably has in our kitchen cabinet. This is baking soda.

How can meal soda and vinegar help solve a clogged outflow problem? It’s easy – just pour two tablespoons of soda into the drain and then pour a whole amount of approximately 100 ml of vinegar. This combination creates a chemical reaction that can help pass through the pipes.

When soda and vinegar mixes, they start to fizz and bubble. This reaction helps to unfold and release dirt in the pipe. After application of the mixture, wait approximately 15-20 minutes to have time to work. Then rinse the drain with hot water to help wash away the loose dirt.

It is good to perform this procedure preventively, from time to time. Regular maintenance of drainage can prevent more serious problems and save you money for calling an expert. In addition, this method is environmentally friendly and safe for your pipeline, unlike aggressive chemical cleaners.

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However, it should be noted that, in the case of accumulating a significant amount of residue in the outflow, the method with baking soda and vinegar may not work. In such a situation, it is better to use a stronger means or consult an expert.

If a homemade trick with soda and vinegar did not help, you can try mechanical cleaning using a bell or a special spiral to clean the drains. These tools are available in common home needs and can also remove more durable obstacles in the pipeline.

If these methods do not help, it is time to call an expert. The plumber has professional tools and experience to solve even the most complex drain problems. Sometimes it may be necessary to disassemble the siphon or use high -pressure cleaning, which already requires expertise.

Remember that prevention is always better than solving the problem. Use sieves to catch food residues, avoid pouring fat into the drain and regularly clean the drainage with soda and vinegar. This will save your worries and money in the future.

Pour it into the sink instead of soda. The drain is immediately cleaned. Simple and effective trick!