Go about rent: see how owners and tenants must declare the amounts paid and received

by Andrea

Attention to correct filling avoid errors that may lead to problems with the IRS

LUIS LIMA JR/FotoArena/Estadão Content
The deadline for filing the statement began this Monday (17)

Owners and tenants who had expenses or earnings with 2024 must inform these amounts in the statement. The deadline for filing the statement began on Monday (17) and will end on May 30. Attention to correct filling avoids errors that can lead to problems with.

The demand for guidance on rent declaration grows about 50% in this period. Paulo Santos, Financial Manager of Lello, real estate group with strong acting in the market, explains that both owners and tenants need to fill the data correctly and, whenever possible, rely on the advisory of an accountant.

How to declare values?

  • Rental Property Owners They must inform the amounts received, discounting the administration fee, if the contract is intermediated by a real estate. However, real estate cannot be declared as a paying source.
  • If the rent has been paid by a company, the amounts must be declared in the form “Taxable income received from legal entity”including income tax retention.
  • If the rent was paid by an individual, the information must be inserted in the form “Taxable income received from individuals”with monthly launches and inclusion of the lion booklet.
  • Amounts paid to real estate must be registered in the form “Payments and donations”under code 71 – Real Estate Administrator. The declarant must inform the total paid in the year, name and CNPJ of the administrator.

Declaration for Tenants

  • Tenants should only declare the amount of paid rent, without including additional expenses such as condominium, property tax or insurance.
  • The correct record for this release is “Payments made”using code 70 – Real Estate Rentals. In the corresponding field, only the name and CNPJ’s name and CPF should be inserted.
  • If the rent was divided with someone else, only those whose name is in the contract must declare the amounts.

The guidance is that owners and tenants revise all information before sending the statement to avoid inconsistencies and eventual problems with the IRS.


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