Henrique Gouveia and Melo guarantees that he will not lend the “uniform” to any kind of political extremism. Admiral publicly criticized measures defended by the arrival, which last week admitted to support him in the next presidential.
André Ventura kept thinking of a possible support of arrives in Henrique Gouveia and Melo. But and is committed to demarcating the party that was third in the last legislatures.
“[Dizem que] You need to give life again, you need to chemically castrate sexual predators. There is a set of radical solutions here that allow you to create a whole dangerous discourse, ”says Henrique Gouveia and Melo.
The man, who in the past led the process of vaccination against Covid-19, says that fights “in the center”, because “at the extremes there are no solutions or simple solutions that are utopias.”
“Don’t worry that I don’t lend my uniform or my authority to any extremism.”
Solution within doors?
André Ventura guarantees that the words of Gouveia and Melo arrive and that the party that leads “has very good paintings”, pointing to the possibility of an internal candidate.
“Even if I am not a presidential candidate, it does not mean that the arrival does not have a presidential candidate,” says Ventura.
Arrown believes it makes no sense to support a candidate who does not want to be supported and has been removed from the party’s political line in matters such as combating corruption, security or immigration.