The governor of, (MDB), said he missed the inauguration ceremony of the national summit on Monday (17) due to the presence of the president at the event.
“Do not walk on Lula’s devastated land,” Ibaneis told Sheet.
One of the authorities invited to the ceremony, the governor is a lawyer and has already chaired the section of the Order in the Federal District. He sent a message to the president of the Federal Council of the OAB, Beto Simonetti, to congratulate him for renewing the position and justify his absence.
According to the message, first published by the Metrópoles website, Ibaneis said that the President of the Republic accused him “lightly” of being an accomplice of the former president () in the acts of January 8 and will not participate in any event in which Lula is present until the petista retracts.
In a GloboNews documentary on attacks on the headquarters of the three powers, aired in 2024, Lula criticized Ibanese. “He is complicit in that, agreed with that, neglected, did not act correctly. He did not take care that the police took care of the things that were happening throughout the period, all demonstrations, a week before, a week later. He was conniving with the case,” said the president.
Earlier this month, the Minister of the Supreme Court filed the investigation that investigated the Governor of the DF for alleged involvement in the scammer attacks.
Moraes accepted a position of the Attorney General, who specifically requested the filing of Ibaneis, who was initially investigated on suspicion of omission or failures that could have contributed to the invasion of the Praça dos Three Powers.
In December, the president and the governor exchanged criticism of the Federal District Constitutional Fund, fueled by the Union. “It was not possible to receive more than the other states. In fact, it is already the state that receives the most compared to any other,” said Lula.