Kings League Brazil: Dates, Table and Time

by Andrea
Kings League Brasil: datas, tabela e horários image

A Kings League announced the datesa table and the schedule and Kings League Brasilwhich will start on the day March 29. The first nine rounds will end on May 5th.

O Sporting News Shows the full table, with confirmed dates and times.

MORE: Libertadores and South American: how the groups were

Kings League Brazil Game Table

Round Data Time Time 1 Time 2
Round 1 March 29, 2025 17:00 Nyvelados Unimpeded
18:00 Dende Rage
19:00 Fc grass Funk
Round 2 March 31, 2025 17:00 Dende FLOW
18:00 LOUD Nyvelados
19:00 Rage REAL ELITE
20:00 Unimpeded Funk
21:00 G3X Fc grass
Round 3 April 7, 2025 17:00 REAL ELITE LOUD
18:00 G3X Funkgoal
19:00 Unimpeded FLOW
20:00 Dende Fc grass
21:00 Rage Levels
Round 4 April 14, 2025 Time to define Rage LOUD
Time to define Fc grass FLOW
Time to define REAL ELITE Funk
Time to define Dende Nyvelados
Time to define Unimpeded G3X
Round 5 April 21, 2025 Time to define FLOW Nyvelados
Time to define Fc grass REAL ELITE
Time to define Dende Funk
Time to define Unimpeded LOUD
Time to define G3X Rage
Round 6 April 26, 2025 Time to define Funk Nyvelados
Time to define REAL ELITE FLOW
Time to define Dende G3X
Time to define Unimpeded Rage
Time to define Fc grass LOUD
Round 7 April 28, 2025 Time to define Unimpeded Dende
Time to define Fc grass Rage
Time to define REAL ELITE Nyvelados
Time to define FLOW Funk
Time to define G3X LOUD
Round 8 May 3, 2025 Time to define G3X FLOW
Time to define Fc grass Nyvelados
Time to define Unimpeded REAL ELITE
Time to define Dende LOUD
Time to define Funk Rage
Round 9 May 5, 2025 Time to define Fc grass Unimpeded
Time to define Dende REAL ELITE
Time to define FLOW Rage
Time to define Funk LOUD
Time to define G3X Nyvelados

Where will the games be?

Matches will take place in Banijay Studies, in Guarulhos. The likely space that will be used to hold the matches is called ‘Studio B ‘who have 44,20m wide and 156.7m in length.

What are the teams of Kings League Brazil?

According to the portal Kings League Brasil, which specializes in event news, some teams are already confirmed. They are: G3X, Furia fc, Loud Sports Club, Nyvelados, Dedele fc e FC flow. There will be ten teams in the championship, so there is still four more representatives.

The presidents of each team are:

  • G3X: Gaul
  • Furia FC: Cris Guedes and Neymar
  • Loud Sports Club: Joker
  • Nyvelados: Nyvi
  • Dende: Luqueta and Paulinho
  • FC grass: Jon vlogs
  • Kondzilla FC: Kondzilla and Michel
  • DSImpedididos/Review: Toguro e Yuri 22

MORE: Kings League: What was Kelvin Oliveira’s message before Kings League Brazil

What are the confirmed players at Kings League Brazil?


Presidents: Neymar and Cris Guedes
Wildcards: Jeffinho, liipoo is fly
List: Matheus dos Santos, Victor Hugo da Silva, João Pelegrini, Guilherme Monagatti, Gabriel Pastuch, Ryan Lima, Caio Carvalho, Murillo Donato, Matheus Ayosa, Andrey Wurthmann

FC flow

Wildcards: Zé Roberto
List: Vinícius Almeida (Melequinha), Vinicius Alexandre, Victor Martins (VB), Gabriel de Souza (Intera), Caio Sanchez, Julio Cesar de Carvalho, Sergio Filho, Murillo Menetti, Thiago Leandro, Thiago de Oliveira

Nyvelados fc

President: Nyvi Estephan
List: Ivo Alves, Breno Arantes, Bruno dos Santos, Matheus Neres, Gustavo Simon, Nicolas Barutti, Caio Garcia, Bruno Mendes, Vinicius Miranda, Renan Crespo

Dedele fc

Presidents: Paulinho O Loko and Luquet4
List: Rubens Magalhães, Guilherme da Silva, Thales Vicente, Gabriel da Silva, Renan Assumpção, Mathias Tintino, Vinicius Souza, Breno Teresin, Michael Santos, Flavio Leandro

Goti Unimpeded

Presidents: Toguro e Yuri 22
List: João Pedro Cruz, Gabriel Menoci, Marcello Silva Junior, Lucas Donadi, Fernando da Silva, Luis Felipe de Almeida, Guilherme Bernardinello, Vitor Ferreira, Gustavo Henrique, Carlos Eduardo José

Funkcoli club

Presidents: Cond, Michel Elias and MC Hariel
List: Douglas Gurgel, Luiz Paulo, Jhonatas Goes (Mlk Jhow), Thiago Nascimento, Flávio Stockunas, Odlanier Madier, Bruno Maia, Marcelo Silva, Vitor Garrido, Guilherme Barros


President: Gauls and Kelvin Oliveira
Wildcards: Kelvin Oliveira, Andreas and Rufino
List: Wembley Luiz, Kenu Gonçalves, Victor Sampaio, Igor Rezende, Luiz Galindo Neto, Felipe Cassiano, Nikolas Oliveira, Lucas Silva, Bruno Agnello, Gabriel Dias Braga

Fc grass

Presidents: Jonvlogs and Mason Glove
Wildcards: Lucaneta, kicks
List: Maicon Santos, Gabriel Medeiros, David Lira, Henry Japa, Kleber Barreto, Yan Graça, Joao Vitor Regos, Victor Cucio Esteves, Victor Florio, André Dist


President: Joker
List: Lucas Henrique, Higor da Costa, Lucas Japa, Julio César Rodrigues, Josué dos Santos, Matheus Lisboa, Kelvis Nunes, Luis Henrique de Simoni, Nathan Lucas, Gabriel Kawakami

FC Real Elite

President: Ludmilla and Allan ‘Intern’
List: Matheus Silva, Marlon Ribas, Gustavo Rocha, João Victor Fenato, Andrey Prophet, Gabriel Lisboa, Eduardo Andrade, Lucas Nascimento Zanizzelo, Isaac Sander, Lucas Ancelotti

MORE: Kings League: Who is Kelvin Oliveira, a highlight from Brazil?

Each team can have three stars in the cast, while the rest of the players will be defined through the draft, where athletes will be selected by sieves promoted by the Kings League organization.


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