Petista asks for the triple of the penalty for the crimes of injury and defamation after messages from the PL congressman in the X upon Gleisi
The federal deputy (PT-RJ) entered the Monday (17.mar.2025) with two actions in court against (PL-GO). They were moved due to publications made in the profile of the PL deputy in (former Twitter) who quoted Lindbergh, the current minister of (Secretariat of Institutional Relations), Gleisi Hoffmann (PT); the President (PT); and the presidents of the Chamber and the Senate, (Republicans-PB) and (Brazil-AP Union), respectively.
In the criminal complaint filed to (Federal Supreme Court), Lindbergh sued the deputy for slander and defamation. He asked to apply the penalty triple because of the radiating power of publications, made on social network. Read the criminal complaint (PDF-963 kb).
In the criminal representation filed with the PGR (Attorney General’s Office), Lindbergh requested “immediate determination of restriction of the represented in the use of their social networks and advertising media”, In addition to investigation by the MP (Public Prosecution Service) to investigate the conduct of the congressman. Read that of criminal representation (PDF – 1 MB).
Gayer Publications
Gayer’s posts referred to Lula’s lines at Gleisi’s inauguration event as a minister, held on the last Wednesday (12.mar). At the time, Lula said he put one in charge of SRI to improve institutional relations.
About the episode, in the publication of the deputy in the X, included in the pieces, Gayer wrote: “The image of @Gleisi, @lindberghfarias and @davialcolumbre came to me. What a nightmare! ”. In another, the federal deputy again quoted Lindbergh: “So, @lindberghfarias. Will you really accept your boss to offer your wife to Hugo Motta how a pimp offers a GP ?? Your wife being humiliated by your boss and will you be silent ?? ”.
The two publications were erased by Gayer.
The deputy released a video on his profile saying that he deleted the post about alcohumbre when he saw that he had not included the context. “A few hours later, I deleted the post before becoming news in the press, before I knew that the alcohumbre wanted to revoke me before ”these.
Lindbergh used his social networks on Thursday (13.mar) to, calling the federal deputy “scoundrel, bum and killer. ” Alcolumbre, president of the Senate, also said that there was a representation in the House Ethics Council against the deputy.
A 3rd publication included in Lindbergh’s actions until the publication of this text. “It’s my impression or Lula offered Gleisi Hoffmann how a pimp offers his employee in a gang trading ”he wrote.
Watch the gayer video (3min36s):
In the criminal complaint Lindbergh’s lawyers say Gayer does “Torpes insinuations, equating Minister Gleisi Hoffmann to a ‘call girl’ and imputing, offensive and injured, that the President of the Republic would act as’ Cafeão‘”.
The text also considers that the Bolsonarist Deputy “directly attacks the honor of the complainant [Lindbergh]implying that this would have been conniving with such a situation ”.
According to the Penal Code, the crime of defamation may lead to detention penalties of 3 months to 1 year and payment of a fine, while the crime of injury may imply 1 to 6 months of detention or fine. In the action, however, Lindbergh asks the fine to be tripled because it is a social network post based on Article 141, § 2 of the legislation.
In addition to accusing him of injury and defamation in criminal representation, Lindbergh included the crime of more specifically gender political violence established in the Electoral Code.
The PT bench in the House of Representatives, on Friday (14.mar) of Gayer at the Ethics Council for breaking parliamentary decorum.
Read the news about the case: