Melt 1 tablespoon in water and pour the blueberry bushes, and in the summer sweet fruits will fall asleep every branch
American blueberry is a fruit shrub that repays with abundant crops of sweet and healthy fruit, but requires proper care. It is undoubtedly more and more often grown by Poles in the gardens and in the fields. However, if we want her bushes to fruit abundantly, we should not neglect to meet the basic requirements in the cultivation of blueberries. And in addition to choosing a perfectly sunny position, watering, the most important issue is the ground in which blueberry bushes are grown. Well, this plant for healthy and intensive growth and fruiting needs sour soil with a pH in the range of 3.5-5.5. Therefore, even before the season, it is worth ensuring that the bushes cover with sweet fruits in the summer. I pour one tablespoon of citric acid into 10 liters of water, mix thoroughly and water my blueberries in the garden with this solution. This makes the bushes grow like in steroids and fruit lush. Citric acid is perfectly acidified by the soil around the bushes. Takwa times a month, maintaining regular time intervals.
Cultivation of blueberries. What do you have to remember?
Blueberry likes the sun, which affects fruit ripening and their sweetness. Therefore, choose a place where the bush will have access to the sun for at least 6 hours a day. It grows best on light, permeable soils, rich in humus. What’s more, this plant likes moist soil, especially during flowering and fruiting. In turn, mulching with pine bark helps maintain soil moisture, limits weed growth and acidifies the soil. In spring, remember to cut blueberry bushes. This is done in early spring before the plant begins vegetation. Sick, old and weak shoots are removed to stimulate the growth of young branches, which affects the abundance of fruiting.
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