Ricardo Kotscho’s Book About Diretas wins new edition – 17/03/2025 – Power

by Andrea

Out of catalog about four decades ago, a book of journalistic and historical relevance comes to a new life. It is back “explodes a new Brazil – diary of the campaign of the Diretas”, a book of released a few weeks after the rejection of the Amendment Dante de Oliveira by the House of Representatives, in April 1984.

Initiative of the Senate Publisher, the relaunch takes place this Tuesday, at 10am, during a session open to the public in the House Plenary.

The event will remember the movement of, which extended from 1983 to 1984, and celebrate the redemocratization of Brazil, consolidated from 1985. There will also be a tribute to the first civilian president of the country after 21 years of military dictatorship.

The book brings together Kotscho’s reports to the movement over almost five months.

The publication starts from the record of the act held in front of the Pacaembu Stadium in Sao Paulo on November 27, 1983. It should be a “great departure fraternization,” as Kotscho wrote, but eventually became “a PT promotion” with a modest audience.

Kotscho’s reports end at dawn from April 25 to 26, 1984, when the amendment for the return of direct elections was defeated by only 22 votes. In the previous two weeks, and other movement leaders had gathered hundreds of thousands of people in Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre and Goiânia.

The reporter followed most of the great rallies of the movement, which toured all regions of the country. “Many times, I just went home to change clothes and travel again,” says the journalist, who turned 77 on Sunday (16).

After months with little popular involvement, the Directs gained momentum with the “right now, everyone went up on the stage: opposition governors [ao presidente João Figueiredo]presidents of parties, artists… and this thanks to the governor of São Paulo, who managed to gather them, “he recalls.

“Tancredo Neves was the only one that did not appear. He only went to the rally in Belo Horizonte [um mês depois].”

By this time, according to Kotscho, Tancredo already articulated his candidacy at the Electoral College, which would take place in January of the following year and from which he would be victorious. “If the direct elections had been approved, Ulysses, and others would be candidates. If they did not pass, the natural candidate was Tancredo, the only one who talked to the other side, the military,” he says.

In the introduction, the author says he prepared a proposal for the Sheet Assume the Flag of the Directs. Delivered the text to the reporting chief, Adilson Laranjeira, who sent him to

“Cold immediately summoned the summit of the newsroom of Sheetread that text to everyone and told the cock on the machine. At the same time, he formed a group to take care of the campaign coverage, under the coordination of, secretary of the editorial board, “wrote Kotscho.

According to, there is not a single father of the idea of Sheet to associate with the campaign of the Diretas.

policy editor, was the first to launch the suggestion. At the time, according to Pilagallo, “repelled the proposal, with the argument that it would be more in the interest of the governor of Sao Paulo, Franco Montoro, eager to establish himself as a national leadership, than from Sheet“.

Later, the idea was resumed by Kotscho and Frias Filho, responsible for organizing it from November 1983.

Pilagallo, by the way, signs one of the two prefaces commissioned especially for this new edition. The other is authored by the state deputy. Ulysses is the author of the third preface, which was already in the original edition of the Brazilian publisher.

Another novelty is the aftermath, director of journalism at Rede Bandeirantes. “Koscho’s journey and the work of Koscho were confused and fed,” writes Miter.

I didn’t have “shame to go beyond the journalist’s role,” says Kotscho. “I was really engaging in the direct campaign. I was guessed like a participant, and the Sheet I was allowed to act like this. “

The book will be distributed by the Senate to public institutions such as schools and libraries. The digital version can be


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