Scientists arrested in Antarctica fear for life: colleague threatened them with death

by Andrea
Scientists arrested in Antarctica fear for life: colleague threatened them with death

Scientists arrested in Antarctica fear for life: colleague threatened them with death

The SANAE IV base, completely isolated, with temperatures that reach the -23ºC

Behavior of the alleged perpetrator “has reached an extremely disturbing point,” says scientist of the isolated base. An investigation was opened.

Sanae IV isolated station in Antarctica will be the scene of a horror scenario as it reads this article.

One of 10 researchers in the South African base has recently asked, by email, that all scientists will be rescued following Death aggression and threats by a team member.

In the prosecution, initially reported by the investigator – one of a team of 10 people who should only return in December, due to the harsh conditions of Antarctica – asks for “immediate action” to ensure their safety and the safety of all employees.

“Unfortunately, the behavior [do colega] It reached a point that is extremely disturbing. Specifically, he assaulted [x]. In addition, he He threatened to kill [x] (…). I am still extremely concerned about my security, constantly wondering if I will be the next victim (…) is imperative immediate action to ensure everyone’s safety, ”reads the investigator’s message, who also accuses the same colleague of sexual assault. The email omitted names, for reasons for privacy.

The base, located more than 4,000 kilometers south of Cape Town, is isolated by ice and strong winter storms, which makes it logistically difficult an immediate evacuation. The nearest alternative bases are the Neumayer III Station of Germany, located 220 kilometers to the northwest, and the Norway’s troll base, 189 kilometers southeast.

South Africa Environment Minister Dion George confirmed the occurrence of an aggression and said that options were being studied to resolve the situation.

“An intervention is being made. The person who assaulted the team chief is sorry and was reevaluated psychologically free will“Said the minister. Regarding what the alleged aggression, “was a dispute over a task that the team chief wanted the team to do – a task dependent on the weather conditions that required a change of time.”

The ministry also told that before they went to Antarctica late last December, team members were subject to “a series of evaluations that include antecedent verification, reference verification, medical evaluation, as well as a psychometric assessment by qualified professionals”, approved by all members.

“Numerous concerns” were raised about the alleged striker between the moment the team was left by a South African ship and its match a month later admitted the complainant.

The South African Forests, Fisheries and Environment (DFFE) department has launched an investigation into the incident.

A department spokesman stated that “the welfare unit is in permanent contact with the base team to find sustainable solutions and ways to the well-being of the team members in this remote base.”

South Africa has maintained scientific presence in Antarctica since 1960, where it coordinates research in areas such as electromagnetic fields, antarctic geology and biodiversity. The country also operates research stations on Marion Island and Gough Island in the South Atlantic.

This is not the first violent incident Involving a South African Antarctic team: In 2017, a Marion Island researcher will have attacked a colleague’s laptop with an ax after being rejected romantically.

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