New software can control devices of a quantum network regardless of the number of QBits it has. But there is still “a lot of work to do”.
“You can’t make a useful quantum network just building hardware,” explains Stephanie Wehner, a researcher at Delft University Technology in the Netherlands, to.
A long time ago the team was trying to create an operating system that would allow Exchange information extremely safely. In a new published this week in Naturethe authors explain how they created a universal way of operating quantum networks: the operating system QNodeOS.
The new software is capable of control the devices of a quantum networkregardless of the type of quibits – quantum bits – that constitute them.
The team also carried out a test program for delegated quantum computing (which New Scientist equates to the use of a laptop to make a cloud calculation). They also tested the system’s ability to perform various tasks at the same time.
“When you start taking the idea of building quantum networks for general use seriously, there is a lot of work to do,” and this new operating system leads to a long list of things to develop below, as referral protocols. Thus explains Joe Fitzsimons, scientist at the Quantum Computer Company Horizon Quantum.
It emphasizes, however, that this is a significant advance, and Stephanie Wehner recalls that many other possibilities that have never been explored, such as creation of programming programs for a quantum network.
“This wasn’t even on my radar before, but now I’m so excited!” He comments.