Senate votes this 3rd project that reduces ineligibility

by Andrea

Proposal for the authorship of Deputy Dani Cunha alters the initial milestone for counting the period of ineligibility of candidates

The Senate should vote on this 3rd (18.Mar.2025) PLP (Complementary Bill) 192 of 2023 which modifies the Clean Record Law, reducing the period of ineligibility of convicted politicians. The bill is authored by the deputy (União Brasil-RJ), daughter of former Deputy Eduardo Cunha, who is ineligible until 2027. The rapporteur of the matter is the senator (PDT-MA). This is the project (PDF – 91 kb).

The PLP was approved in the House in September 2023 and received a favorable opinion on the (Constitution and Justice Commission) of the Senate in August 2024, when the board was still chaired by (Union-AP).

The text approved by the CCJ establishes a single 8 -year ineligibility period, with counting started from:

  • Date of condemnation of the loss of mandate;
  • election in which abusive or criminal practice occurred;
  • resignation to the position;
  • Condemnation by collegiate body.

In current legislation, the politician is ineligible during the remaining time of his term and for another 8 years. According to the internal rules of Congress, the Senate plenary needs to enjoy the PLP in two shifts, requiring at least 41 favorable votes. If approved, the project will go to the president’s sanction (PT).

Two other projects should be voted on this Thursday (18.mar) in plenary:

  • which deals with the national commitment of literate children, involving Union, States, DF (Federal District) and Municipalities;
  • which changes, to modify the composition of Conitec (National Commission for Incorporation of Technologies) in the SUS (Unified Health System).

Following the meeting of leaders on Thursday (13.mar), the leader of União Brasil, the senator (PB) said that one of the party’s priorities this year is the Conitec project. (Union-PR), rapporteur of the PL, told the Poder360 that the text “It will give voice and vote to SUS users”.

“Conitec’s PL, authored by federal deputy Rosângela Moro, will give SUS voice and vote in the deliberation of the agency about the inclusion of new medicines and treatments in the public health network. A representative of an association related to those affected by the pathology or specific specialty will be called for this rotating vacancy. of microcephaly, it will be another representative”Said Moro.

This text was produced by the Sabrina Fonseca Journalism intern, under the coordination of editor Augusto Leite.

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