That’s why you should never buy mandarins in a network

by Andrea

At first glance, mandarins in the net may seem as practically packed fruit. But it has several “but”.


Mandarins are among the most popular fruits. They are sweet, juicy and easy to peel. Or at least many of them. There are several different types of mandarins, such as clementinums that are sweeter and without hits, satsums with thin skin or traditional tangerines with a slightly acidic taste.

Citrus and other other fruit are typically sold in nets. And most of us still buy them. It has several advantages at first glance, but on the second and disadvantages.

Why never buy mandarins in the net will also tell you this post from the YouTube channel Smart Fox.

Source: YouTube

The main problem of the network package is that it is not possible to see individual fruits and determine their quality. Unfortunately, it may sometimes happen that you bring home mandarins that are damaged, pressed or even rotten inside. For mandarins, only a small part of the skin is sufficient and then all the flesh is spoiled inside.

On the other hand, choosing free tangerines will take you a little extra time, but you know exactly what you bought. So you can only be angry with yourself that you did not pay more attention.

Another problem is the net itself. It is plastic and should therefore be ideally recycled or best unused at all. Although there is no touch of the mesh and the fruit itself, as it is protected by a skin, any plastic represents the risk of developing microplastics and nanoplastics. These are present all around us and even in us. Unfortunately, this is a sad fact that cannot be faced otherwise than to avoid plastics as much as possible.

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You go to buy, take the bags for the fruit

But the problem in our supermarkets is that we do not have the choice of other packaging material than plastic. Typically, only microtene bags are available, thanks to which we can choose each fruit separately, but again we create completely unnecessary plastic waste.

All you have to do is think of bags and bags forward. Just as you carry your own shopping bag to the store, take some textile bags that you can reuse and fill with fruit as needed. In some stores you will find such reusable bags near the sold fruit and vegetables. If you have handy hands, you can sew or crochet the bags.


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