Czesław’s name can be associated with grandmothers, now they are rarely chosen. Government statistics are confirmed by this. Only two girls in 2024 were called Czesława. The previous few years also visited only a few parents.
Czesława is an Old Polish female name, which originally took the form of timeława. The first member, i.e. Cza – meant to expect or expect, the second, i.e. – Sława, most likely pointed to “awaiting fame”. Sometimes it is also indicated that This name could have meant venerable. Czesław is a female equivalent of the name Czesław. In the interwar years it was very popular, it currently causes nostalgia and is strongly associated with grandmothers.
The owners of this name are attributed to such features as gentleness and emotionalitywhich is why they are careful as favorite grandmothers. They are not alien to pampering their grandchildren. They are often accompanied by a very good, innate intuition. They take care of their family, not forgetting about themselves. They are cheerful women who like to look at the world from an optimistic perspective. They work great in competitions requiring frequent contact with other people, including teacher.
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People with this name most often celebrate their name days in the holiday months. Czesława celebrate on June 12 or July 20. Less known terms are: January 12 and April 19.
The most popular diminutives of this name are: Czesia, Czech, Czechna, Czesiunia and Czośka.
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A lot of well-known people born in the PRL or bear this name earlier. Czesław includes the most popular:
- Czesława Celińska – Polish actress
- Czesława Cieślak (appearing under the pseudonym Violetta Villas) – a Polish singer
- Czesława Christowa (née Filipiuk) – a Polish economist
- Czesława Noworyta – a Polish tennis player
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