Who is missionary José Olímpio, who assumes Eduardo Bolsonaro’s mandate after license

by Andrea

Federal Deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro (PL-SP) announced on Tuesday, 18, that he will ask “to seek sanctions for human rights violators.” If the license of former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) son exceeds 120 days, missionary alternate José Olímpio (PL-SP) assumes the post.

He is the second best -placed candidate not elected from the party in Sao Paulo. The first alternate is Adilson Barroso (PL-SP), who is already acting by Guilherme Derrite (PL-SP) assumed the post of Security Secretary of São Paulo.

The Chamber’s Internal Regulations states that the deputy may request a license from the position to perform temporary mission of diplomatic or cultural character, health treatment, or, as in the case of Eduardo Bolsonaro, to treat, without remuneration, of particular interest, provided that the removal does not exceed 120 days per legislative session.

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If the license requested by Eduardo Bolsonaro exceeds the period provided for in the Rules of Procedure, the Board of Directors will summon the second PL alternate in São Paulo, Missionary José Olímpio, who obtained 61,938,000 votes.

In a post published on social networks, Eduardo says he is the target of persecution, criticizes the Supreme Court (STF) Minister Alexandre de Moraes and calls the Federal Police “Gestapo” secret police of Nazi Germany.

“I will license without remuneration so that I can dedicate myself fully and seek sanctions from human rights violators.

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Who is the missionary José Olímpio?

Linked to the World Church of the Power of God, José Olímpio was a federal deputy for the state of São Paulo for two terms, between 2011 and 2019. He was a councilman in Itu and Sao Paulo and passed the MDB, PP, PPB, DEM and União Brasil before joining the PL.

Boconist, the religious actively participated in Bolsonaro’s presidential campaign in 2022. Sao Paulo councilor at the time and candidate for deputy, the missionary released a video with Bolsonaro’s image against abortion and defended: “Disrespecting life is disrespecting God.”

In 2020, in the municipal elections, the missionary posed alongside Bolsonaro and recorded video alongside Pastor Valdemiro Santiago of the World Church of the Power of God.

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During the first term as a federal deputy, in 2014, José Olímpio presented a bill to “ban implant in humans of chips and other electronic devices.” In justifying the project, the parliamentarian argued that the measure aimed to prevent a “new satanic order” from being implemented.

“Unfortunately, in a sneaky way, there are already known in Brazil various initiatives to deploy chips such as ‘personal trackers’ that intensely simulate a security tool to the extent that they would enable the rapid location of people who were in the possession of kidnappers. that a New World Order satanic is implemented, ”he said.

How are alternates defined?

After the end of the election, the Electoral Justice divides the total valid votes (excluding whites and nulls) by the number of vacancies to which each state is entitled to the House to define the electoral quotient, the number of votes necessary to elect each federal deputy.

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Subsequently, the number of votes obtained by each party or coalition by the electoral quotient is divided. The result is the party quotient, a number that defines how many vacancies each subtitle will be entitled to the house.

With the calculations defined, according to the House of Representatives, the vacancies are filled according to the voting order of the candidates of each party or coalition. The best voted occupy the vacancies to which each party is entitled. Then, following the order of number of votes, are the alternates, as in the case of missionary José Olímpio.

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