Many people face the problem of constant hunger, even after saturated meals. Why can’t you get enough even a lot of meals.
According to the expert, scientists explained that appetite control depends not only on the size of the stomach but also on the complex mechanism of hormonal regulation.
Studies have shown that the main “regulators” of hunger are hormones Grerelin, leptin and peptide yy, which affect satiety signals and need to eat.
How does the appetite mechanism work?
In the past, it was thought that the feeling of satiety was only due to gastric dilation. However, scientists conducted an experiment: they put a ball in the human stomach and inflated it, creating the illusion of satiety.
This confirmed that receptors in the stomach walls respond to filling. Later, however, it turned out that the appetite is regulated by a more complex system of signals sent to the brain.
The Grelin hormone, produced in an empty stomach, enters the bloodstream and stimulates the feeling of hunger. Its level increases during diets, making the weight loss process more difficult. Leptin, produced by fat cells, on the contrary, reports the brain when the body is saturated.
However, people with overweight often develop leptin resistance – the body “does not hear” satiety signals, which causes constant overeating.
Why is it important to control appetite?
Without the risk of gaining too much weight, constant overeating causes serious health problems, including the development of type 2 diabetes.
Particularly dangerous products that are high in sugar and refined carbohydrates – they provoke sudden glucose leaps that make us feel hungry more often.
How to reduce appetite?
The good news is that the hormone helps to suppress appetite by slowing the digestive process. Scientists have proven that the level of this hormone increases after the consumption of protein products – meat, fish, eggs.
That is why the protein diet promotes long -term satiety.
Another simple but effective method is to eat slowly. It takes about 20 minutes for satiety signals to reach the brain. If you eat too fast, you risk eating more than you need.
Therefore, specialists advise you to take breaks during a meal – postpone the fork for a few minutes or slowly chew each bite.
It is also important to note that the constant feeling of hunger can be associated not only with physiological but also psychological factors. Stress, anxiety, boredom or even certain emotions can lead to overeating.
Therefore, it is important not only to regulate nutrition, but also to take care of your psychological well -being in order to control your appetite.
Other tips
- Drink enough water. Often, the feeling of hunger can be misinterpreted as thirst. Drink a glass of water before meals and between meals.
- Eat a lot of fiber products. It helps to feel saturated longer and regulates blood sugar.
- Sleep enough. Lack of sleep can disrupt the balance of hormones responsible for the regulation of appetite.
- Manage stress. Look for ways to relax and reduce stress levels, such as meditating, doing yoga or other favorite activities.
- Be conscious while eating. Eat slowly, enjoy every bite and pay attention to your body signals.
- Regular nutrition. Eat regularly, at the same time to avoid major hunger attacks.
If the constant feeling of hunger causes great discomfort and interferes with a full life, it is recommended that you consult a doctor or nutritionist.