A question mark has long been hanging over the health of Pope Francis. The head of the church has been hospitalized with bronchitis since February 14, but it later grew into two -sided pneumonia. The public began to argue who would replace the Pope and it seems that a native of Czechoslovakia could be one of the candidates. Cardinal Michael Czerny spoke.
Already in 2022, the Catholic media wrote that Czerny could be the successor of Pope Francis, who has it in great popularity. His dedicated service to people on the brink of society also attracted the head of the Church. In 2016 he appointed it to the Secretary of the Vatican Section for Migrants and Refugees and Three years later he was promoted to a cardinal. Since he is close to Pope Francis, many would consider his onset logical.
Since Pope Francis is hospitalized, Czerny became a key figure in the Vatican. He celebrates all the Pope’s festive mass. He regularly reads the messages written by the Pope from the hospital. It can therefore be said that he represents Pope Francis.
Czerny was born in 1946 in Brno. His mother Winifred Hayek Czerny spent a total of 20 months in prison and in a concentration camp. Although she was born and grew up in a Catholic family, she was sentenced to robbing the state because she did not give several family jewelry. His father Egon Czerny spent the last eight months of war on forced work in the postoloprt labor camp because he refused to divorce Winifred.
Years later, my mother returned to the concentration camp. “Mother returned to Terezin in April 1995 and She wrote to the guest book of the local museum: “I survived”. Indeed, she survived one monstrous evil, which was subjected to human beings and their personal uniqueness put them into anonymity, first forcibly reduced them to numbers, and then changed them with gas and fire in ash and dust, “described the abominable actions of the past Michael. Unfortunately, his grandmother did not survive and died in Auschwitz a few weeks after the end of the war.
In 1948 they emigrated to Canada. “In Canada, our family first lived in a francophone environment for two years, then we moved to another place in Montreal and finally in 1953 to the Anglophone suburb of Pointe Claire (at that time it was called Lakeside). So after the Czech I have already controlled, I learned French and then English, which is my “first” language today“Czerny said.
Since they went abroad when he was only 2 or 3 years old, he did not remember his native land. “As an adult, I returned to Czechoslovakia from mid -October 1987 to mid -January 1988. I wanted to get to know my native country and gain some experience “first hand” with life under communism“he revealed. He last appeared in the Czech Republic in 2022, when he celebrated the solemn mass.