They have various benefits to the body and can be used in various ways to help you in everyday
Papaya is one of the most darling and consumed fruits for breakfast. However, people often throw away a part that could be easily enjoyed: the seeds.
5 little known uses of papaya seed (it is a true treasure)
1. Use as a natural exfoliator for the skin
Papaya seeds are great allies to help with skincare routine and care for your skin.
Thus, it is possible to take advantage of papaya seeds to create a natural exfoliator as it contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Just grind the seeds and mix with some coconut oil or honey to create a thick paste.
2. Homemade seasoning
Yes, papaya seeds are also excellent for creating a natural and slightly bitter seasoning for you to use in your home recipes.
Thus, the first step is to wash and dry the seeds well, then take them to the oven to intensify the taste. That done, you will grind or hit a pestle until you get a thin powder.
Papaya seeds have good enzymes with antiparasitic properties that help eliminate intestinal parasites and strengthen flora.
Nutritionists’ indication is to consume a teaspoon of fresh or dried seeds with an empty stomach. If you prefer, you can mix them with honey or natural yogurt to improve the taste.
4. Fertilizer for plants
They are also great as a natural fertilizer. This is because papaya seeds have potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, minerals that help promote healthy plant growth.
Allied to a good manure of manure and organic earth, the combo enhances the fertilization and growth of its plant. Dry the seeds in the sun, then grind them and mix them with the compound.
5. Tea for digestive problems
Finally, seeds are rich in anti-inflammatory and digestive properties that help relieve intestinal and stomach discomfort. To do this, just prepare tea that they will help with indigestion, gases and even constipation problems.
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