6 electronic devices that were forgotten over time and many do not know

by Andrea

These rarities were a symbol of innovation a few decades ago and nowadays became utilty to everyday

(Foto: Captura de tela / Youtube / Canal CFA – Country Fire Authority)

Some electronic devices have been a symbol of innovation and today younger generations have no idea what they mean or what they serve.

They were successful in the past, but with the evolution of technology ended up giving the oblivion.

6 electronic devices that were forgotten over time and many do not know

1. Pager

Before the modern and technological smartphone you have today, the page walked so they could run.

This small item of previous decades was a device used to receive short messages. With the evolution of technology, it was quickly replaced by mobile telephony, becoming obsolete.

2. Walkman

Before Spotify, Walkman was the successful music player of the time. He was one of the first portable music players released in the world.

Walkman was launched by Sony in 1979 and allowed to hear cassette tapes anywhere you were. Because of digitization and change in current technologies, today it is a mere collector item that was successful in the past.

3. Fax

Another big milestone of the past in the casting of electronic devices that no one remembers is the fax anymore.

He was a great advance in communications in the 80s and 90s, but was eventually replaced with the arrival of the internet. This device was used to send documents quickly.


His netflix today was the VHS device in the past.

He allowed him to record and watch movies in the comfort of his home. It was very successful between the 80s and 2000s, but underwent replacement with DVDs and, later, with streaming services.

5. Electric typewriter

Before you wrote a document on Word on your computer, it was the writing machines who had done this function a few decades ago.

Thus, these devices were essential for text production. However, with the arrival of the personal computer, writing machines fell into disuse and underwent replacement with newer and more modern models.

6. Cassette Ribbons

Before the streamings, it was through the cassette tapes that people recorded and listened to the songs. Thus, the ribbons pumped in the 70s and 90s and were progressively replaced by CDs and later digital files in streaming applications.

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