A foreign person He died and others five were serious injuries in it Israeli bombing This Wednesday about a Residence of the United Nations Office of Services for Projects (UNOPS) located in the Center of the Gaza Strip.
As reported by the Ministry of Health of the Gazatí Government in a statement, this is the balance offered by the Hospital de los Mártires de Al Aqsa, located in Deir Al Balahwhere these six people were transferred after the attack.
A source of this ministry confirmed that the attack was carried out against a one -sided building that served as Residence for foreignersalthough he did not detail the nationality of those affected.
UN critical operations
The Executive Director of UNRWA Spain, Raquel Martíhe shared images that show two men injured on stretchers carrying the UN vests where “a” and “unwas” is read, a UN SERVICE OF ACTION AGAINST MINES.
From the beginning of the high fire in Gaza, broken this Tuesday by Israel with bombings that left more than 400 dead in the strip, the UNOPS was dedicated to supplying the UN critical operations and the humanitarian organizationssuch as hospitals, bakeries, shelters and immediate emergency needs.
According to the organization in a statement published after the start of the Alto El Fuego in January, it helped to introduce millions of liters of combustible to supply critical infrastructure.
In February 2024, the UNOPS reported the death of a Palestinian worker from the organization and his family in a bombing in Deir to Balah.