After all it is not the end of the Ice Tea of ​​peach: fans feel ‘mistaken’ and the postcard too

by Andrea
After all it is not the end of the Ice Tea of ​​peach: fans feel 'mistaken' and the postcard too

Last March 18, Lipton caused a big stir among its consumers by inexperiously announced the end of the peach Ice Tea. The news picked up the faithful fans of the drink by surprise, generating a wave of indignation on social networks.

Announcement of the end of the drink generates revolt

The next day, the company itself denied the information, leaving the question in the air: Was it a mistake or a marketing strategy?

The denial came through a new Lippton Instagram publication, where the brand stated that the taste of peach would remain in the market. For many, the unconvincing explanation only increased frustration and the feeling of being deceived.

Negative reaction of consumers

The fan response was not long before and, in the comments, the tone was revolt. Many consumers have expressed their displeasure on the strategy used, considering it unnecessary and annoying.

Frustration was not limited to words. Many consumers have decided to be careful and ran to the supermarkets to secure a drink of the drink, believing that it would disappear from the shelves. Some even bought dozens of bottles, while others purchased whole boxes, fearing they would never again find their favorite Ice Tea.

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Lipton tries to remedy situation

Faced with the avalanche of criticism, Lipton sought to soften the situation. He assured that the taste of peach will not be removed from the market and promised to reward fans who stood out in the comments with a special surprise.

However, this promise did not convince everyone. Many consumers consider that the brand has lost credibility with this ‘joke’ and were skeptical about the company’s future decisions.

Innocent mistake or poorly calculated marketing?

It is not yet clear whether the situation was a mistake or a deliberate attempt to generate involvement in social networks. The tone of the message of denial, playing with the idea that they ‘deceived’ on the date and thought it was already April 1, raises suspicions.

Communication experts, such as it, consider that Lipton may have tried to apply a risky marketing tactic, betting on fans’ emotional reaction to increase engagement. If that was the intention, the shot may have come out of Culatra, since the public did not receive the strategy well.

In the end, the controversy served to remind Lippton that the loyal audience can also be very demanding. Consumer confidence is a valuable heritage, and playing with their emotions may not be the best long -term strategy. It now remains to be seen whether the brand will be able to regain credibility or if the iese tea’s lie of the peach will be crossed in its customers’ throat.

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