The Department of Child Psychiatry of the University Hospital with Polyclinic (FNsP) I Reiman in Prešov is gradually recording the increasing number of hospitalized and outpatiently treated child psychiatric patients. As the head of the department Martina Patúšová said for TASR, for example, the number of hospitalizations in 2024 increased by 53 percent compared to 2021.
The most common diagnosis is, in her words, various forms of behavioral disorders, depressive and depressive-capture disorders with suicidal thoughts and actions.
“For example, conditions after excessive use of medicines with suicidal intention and hyperkinetic disorders (ADHD). Concomitant with these diagnoses occurs harmful to the use of psychoactive substances (drugs) and often self -harm“said the primary and added that, in a smaller number, food intake disorders (mental anorexia), autistic disorders and psychotic conditions are represented.
As it continued, the ban on the sale of semi -synthetic cannabinoids has been welcomed since last year. “However, according to my latest information, specifically in Prešov, there are still free vending machines with the products mentioned in two shopping centers,“said Patúšová.
The fluctuations in the number of patients did not notice after the ban on sales, but according to the primary, the number of children with a different basic psychiatric diagnosis is increasing, where experimentation, harmful use, or dependence on psychoactive substances or non -substance addictions are also present.
As far as enlightenment, children, youth and addictions are concerned, the so -called primary prevention is key. “This means enlightenment and preventive programs of the theme of drug use and non -substance addictions with centering mainly into the school environment. It has been found to have much greater importance than one -off activities, brochures, posters and spontaneous discussions have multi -component structured programs on an interactive basis and working in a group with more sessions,“She explained the primary.
According to her, individuals are thus strengthened by relationships with peers, assertiveness, social skills, supporting study habits and successes, thus supporting and cultivating “resistance” to drugs and drug attitudes.