Boconist assumes commission and speaks of Eduardo’s heroism – 19/03/2025 – Power

by Andrea

The Boconist Deputy (PL-PR) took (Creden) da, spoke of working so that “democracy will stand again” and classified as a “heroic act” the decision of (PL-SP), son of (PL) ,.

Initially, the PL had nominated Eduardo to the post, following a request from the former president himself. On Tuesday (18), however, the parliamentarian said he made the “hardest” decision of his life and announced that he would remain in the American country because he feared being arrested by, minister of (Supreme Court).

Barros was elected this Wednesday for 24 votes favorable and 4 blank votes. In his speech, he said Eduardo had to exile to “escape from an imminent persecution of his freedoms” and said that the right was chosen to be “eliminated from public life.”

“Deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro, my friend, who has received votes for this house in history, exiles to escape from an imminent persecution of his freedoms and his family. It is another sad chapter of the recent recent history of Brazil, where democracy is an almost meaningless word. Where a political group, we, the right, was chosen to be eliminated from public life,” Barros said.

The parliamentarian did not mention the Supreme Court in his speech, but gave the court a message in criticizing the “judicialization of politics”. He stated that the House, which is a symbol of the people, will resist, just as “has resisted a few times to the tyranny of those who believe they can be above the laws.”

At another point, he stated that, under the pretext of combating “an alleged extremism, the worst extremism of all is practiced.” “The state coercion and the judicialization of politics. By this context Eduardo’s act is heroic and makes it even more clear to the international community what is happening in our country,” he said.

Filipe Barros is close to the Bolsonaro clan and is investigated by the Supreme for leaking confidential data on a calculation about the electronic ballot boxes. Last year, he was chosen to be a rapporteur of the PEC (Proposed Amendment to the Constitution) that limits the scope of the CCJ (Constitution and Justice Commission).

Also in his speech this Wednesday, Barros said he will prioritize dialogue with all parties and that this will be the mark of his management. He also stated that Creden is an “important trench” to rescue sovereignty and freedoms.

“For our democracy to stand again. Creden will be an important institutional tool for dialogue with the world. Where we can make it clear that the will of this house, of the people, is sovereign in Brazilian democracy,” he said.

Since last year, PL members said that this commission was a strategic post for the party and already spoke in the name of Eduardo. The former president’s son had already chaired Creden (2019-2020).

The deputy is the current PL and maintains a relationship with names from the world right, especially allies of US presidents, and Argentina ,. Since the beginning of the year, the parliamentarian has spent most of his time in the American country in search of sanctions or retaliation to the Brazilian judiciary.

With Eduardo’s permanence in the US, it was initially announced that the commission command would be with the current opposition leader, Deputy Zucco (-RS). But then, not to accumulate both posts, it was decided to indicate Barros to the post.

Last year’s Creden was led by Deputy Lucas Redecker (PSDB-RS). In addition to this collegiate, the PL will have the command of the following commissions: health, agriculture, public safety and tourism. Because it is the largest bench in the house, the party has the prerogative to make the first choices in the sharing of the collegiate.

A after a series of meetings between party leaders. On Tuesday (18), the leaders met throughout the day with the president of the House, (Republicans-PB) to define the final adjustments in negotiations.

The main commission of the Chamber, the CCJ will be commanded by União Brasil, which indicated Deputy Paulo Azi (BA) to the post.


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