Hugo Motta pointed out that this measure can promote social justice, relieving the tax burden on the middle and low class
The president of the House of Representatives, expressed his support for the income tax exemption project for individuals who earn up to R $ 5,000 per month. He pointed out that this measure can promote social justice, relieving the tax burden on the middle and low class. However, Mota emphasized the importance of finding ways to compensate for the loss of revenue, which is estimated at $ 27 billion per year. One of the proposed solutions is the implementation of a surcharge for those who earn more than R $ 50,000 per month, ensuring that the measure is fiscally responsible. The bill, which will initially be analyzed by the House of Representatives, is subject to changes to improve its effectiveness and viability. Hugo Mota said that both the House and Senate will work to improve the proposal, ensuring that it meets the needs of the country.
The Senate President, he also commented on the subject, promising that senators will lead a responsible and careful proceeding. The proposal is seen as an attempt to fulfill a campaign promise by President Lula and to reverse the government’s low popularity. The Minister of Political Articulation, Gleisi Hoffmann, plays a crucial role in this process, acting as a mediator between the government and the congress. Hugo Mota made it clear that Congress will not only be a government project stamp, indicating that there will be discussions and negotiations with parliamentarians to ensure that the proposal is fair and balanced. The government, in turn, is committed to obtaining the final approval of the project later this year, with the aim of having a positive impact on the 2026 presidential elections.