Elected this Wednesday (19.mar), the president of the board, Filipe Barros (PL-PR), said he will talk to the deputy at least once a week
The president of CREDN (Foreign Relations and National Defense Commission), (PL-PR), said that the board will give “Institutional support” A (PL-SP), who continues in the United States and license from the mandate of federal deputy.
Barros was elected chairman of the committee on the morning of this 4th (19.mar.2025). He was the name chosen by the PL and had that of the former president (PL).
Eduardo was the PL for the commission, which generated clashes with the PT and even waged the definition of the commissions, installed 46 days after the election of the Board of Directors, on February 1, 2025.
Barros told journalists shortly before the installation that he will talk to Eduardo at least once a week and contact with Bolsonaro’s son will be full. The new president said he will give “Institutional subsidy” to the licensed deputy.
“If he is going to be a meeting with some US government authority, Credn can do an official mission to accompany him. If Eduardo establishes a dialogue with the right-wing parties of Europe, especially from Spain and Portugal, the commission can do an official mission to go together, giving institutionality to this meeting.”he said.
Nevertheless, Barros said he intends to maintain dialogue with governors. The deputy said he talked to members of the government on the morning of this 4th (19.mar). “I will be a magistrate of the interests of the government, the opposition and the other members”he declared.
In possession, Barros dedicated his speech to Eduardo. For him, the right “It was chosen to be eliminated from public life”.
He questioned if there is democracy without the right and said that Eduardo makes an act “heroic”. “All my condolences to Eduardo, his family, President Bolsonaro, the greatest leader of this nation, pursued by our political opponents”these.
Barros said he received “mission” of Bolsonaro when chosen to command the commission. “So important trench for us to rescue our true sovereignty, our freedoms, so that our democracy will stand again”he declared.
The resistance of the left to Eduardo’s name was motivated by his performance in the United States in favor of, who advances in the Chamber of Representatives of that country, who can reach the Minister of the Supreme Court (STF) Alexandre de Moraes.
Petistas entered against Eduardo and the PT leader in the House, (RJ), called the PGR (Attorney General’s Office) to grasp the deputy’s passport. On Tuesday (18.Mar), Eduardo announced that he would continue in the United States.
With this, the PL had to indicate another name for the commission. Lindbergh had already said that the left would accept any PL name as long as it was not Eduardo’s.