Sport & Business Summit, promoted by Infomoneythis Tuesday (18), in São Paulo, shows that there is a revolution in progress in the country in the way of managing, transmitting and delivering value to the sport for the fans. The new models emerge through Paily Football Societies (SAF), streaming diffusion and customer -oriented marketing actions.
The subject has gained so much relevance in recent times that the Infomoney started to have a
The words of Marcelo Paz, CEO of Fortaleza, during Sport & Business Summit, seem to express in part what is happening in sport, specifically in football, with the changes that occur in recent times.
According to him, less because of the need to make cash, the creation of the club’s SAF “was a conscious need to adapt to the market.” In addition to considering the law of corporations of football an evolution, it says it gives more security to receive new investments.
Alex Bourgeois, partner-in-law and president of the Portuguese SAF, who participated in the same panel of Fortaleza colleague at the event, points out the urgency of resolving the club’s financial situation from the new management model allowed by the legislation.
“Our goal is to rescue the athlete,” he says about an important direction of clubs within the concept of modern management.
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Marcelo Teixeira, president of Santos, present in the panel, also considers the question essential: “The main objective is to reveal talents, to take a young man from a risk situation to make him an idol.”
The leader highlighted the importance of the professionalization of the club, managing it as a company, with goals to be achieved.
Transmission business
Football is the great “drive” to achieve sports business goals in the country, according to Mauricio Portela, founder and partner of Livemode, a media and sports marketing company responsible for structuring Cazétv, one of the most successful projects outside the live sports transmission television.
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For him, in the sports and image diffusion model there is room for everyone, from open television or paid to the streaming platform. Portela points out that multiplatform took the sport to the “masses”: “spraying was very important in this sense”.
The paradigm broken by Cazé TV, for the executive of Livemode, is a great inducer to think of Brazilian sport in another level of development.
Fabio Laudisio, Associate Vice President of NBA Latam, who was in the same panel of Portela at Sport & Business Summit, highlights the experience of the powerful American Basketball League in Brazil, which has the impressive number of 53 million Brazilian fans.
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To further bring the Brazilian NBA fan closer, he cites the importance of NBA House, which tries to reproduce in Brazil the atmosphere of basketball games in the United States. NBA House is an interactive area of 5,000 square meters, located in São Paulo. Laudisio prefers to call the “platform” space, the modern – though physical – environment to relate to fans.
Oriented marketing
Lisandro Lopes, CMO of XP, also present in this panel, highlights the importance of associating brands with sport, with XP itself already does. He sees these new sports environments as a great propeller of customer -oriented marketing.
The partnership between XP and NBA and NFL, the US Football League, is, according to him, one of those great experiences of converting action into big business.
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To support this transformation into progress in the sport and give tracks of necessary path adjustments, exclusive research from the Infomoneyconducted by TM20 Branding and Brazil Panels, was presented at Sport & Business Summit.
The data show, for example, that of all the options that fans currently have to watch football games, only 15% prefer to go to the stadium.
On the other hand, 76% choose to watch the matches, whether open or subscription.
In the panel that presented and discussed the results of the research, Eduardo Tomiya, CEO of TM20 Branding, points out that the fans realized that it is almost impossible to acquire the first-class club ticket of the country without being partner-owner, although the model implemented for some time has brought financial benefits to clubs.
About SAFs, 60% of respondents see the model as positive. But when asked about the adoption of the corporation by his heart club, many show resistance.
Claudio Vasques, CEO Brazil Panels, also participated in this panel. The research, amid greater spraying of broadcasting rights, indicates that people continue to prefer to see football games on open television (57%).
In the background, many models already existing in the sports industry will coexist with the new ones. The sports revolution will not erase the past. It comes to improve, above all, the experience of those who consume it, with more options to interact with their sports passions.