A Cazétvone of the most successful projects outside the live sports television, had as its main partner in its structuring LiveMode. According to your partner and founder, Mauricio Portelathe platform stirred the way to see mainly the soccer.
“Football moves all the pointers in a media platform, whether paid television, open television, open streaming platform or paid streaming platform,” he said during Sport & Business Summit – sports, investments and innovation, promoted by Infomoneythis Tuesday (18), in São Paulo.
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“In the case of Cazétv, we built the feeling of him (fan) being watching a soccer match along with friends,” he said.
“Our audience is young. The mass is 18 to 35 years. He spends 2 hours watching football game. He spent 2 hours watching basketball at the Olympics,” he said.
According to Portela, the “big challenge was talking to this young man, so that he could connect to it.” Portela says they realized that in some competitions, the delay in simultaneous sports broadcasts on different platforms, such as television and streaming, bothered the Brazilian fan less than expected.
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The executive points out that the choice today is who will convey the best sports content live.
In the case of Cazétv, the new way of transmitting already impacts even the oldest class. “It’s not an exclusionary model. He talks very well to the young man, how he wants to have fun,” he said.
He adds that the consumption of content on the internet is massive in Brazil and the most important has become the ability to deliver it.