Do you see holes on radish leaves? The gardener explains what to do

by Andrea
Do you see holes on radish leaves? The gardener explains what to do

Radish, despite the fact that they are easy to grow, sometimes they can cause a problem when holes appear on their leaves and roots. It is worth knowing what is the reason for this state of affairs to know how to prevent it and what actions to take to save your cultivation. We suggest where holes in radish leaves come from.

A common reason that holes appear in radish leaves is the presence of earth fleas. These are small beetles that are only a few millimeters long. However, despite their small size, they have a huge impact on the development of a young plant.

This is due to the fact that Earth fleas feed on green tissue, thus leaving small holes on the leaves. They are usually the most active on warm and dry days, so we must be particularly careful from May or June, depending on the weather.

We can recognize their presence by the fact that Not only small holes appear on the leaves, but also the plant itself begins to grow much more slowly. What’s more, in the case of seedlings, damage caused by fleas can be so extensive that the plants will start to die.

Fortunately, we can prevent this problem. All we have to do is take care of adequate prevention, which is crucial in the fight against pests. First of all, we must take care of watering the plant, because earth fleas do not like a damp environment. Therefore, regular supply and spraying of vegetables with water will reduce Attack risk.

The use of agrotextile and covers is also a good idea. Thanks to them, we will prevent not only the feeding of fleas, but also many other pests. Many experienced gardeners also use sticky traps, i.e. yellow cardboard boxes covered with glue, which allow you to limit the pest population. Unfortunately, this is not perfect, because useful insects can also catch traps.

It is also a proven way coordinate cultivation. Thanks to planting plants that do not attack pests of radish, we limit their appearance in a vegetable garden. In addition, let’s remember also about proper soil preparation for the next year. Digging the flower beds will remove pest larvae wintering in the ground. Let’s not skip crop rotation either.

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However, in the case of When the holes appear in the roots and the tubers They resemble a sieve, it may turn out that the reason is probably cabbage cream. Its adults lay eggs near plants.

In turn, hatching larvae They bite into the roots of radish and destroy it from the inside. The roots damaged in this way not only lose their nutritional and their taste, but also cause the plant to die.


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