The S-81 submarine Isaac Peral, built by the Spanish public company Navantia, will participate in the Dynamic Mariner/Flootex year, organized by the Navy of Spain in collaboration with NATO, which It will take place in the waters of the Gulf of Cádiz. This is the first exercise that the submarine will carry out in national waters in collaboration with other countries of the Alliance.
In total, eight nations will participate, among which are Germany, Croatia, France, the United States, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Turkey. It is estimated that about 4,000 military participates, in addition to 30 ships, two submarines, amphibious units and aerial media, between March 24 and April 4.
According to the Navy, the first national navigation of the submarine “values the key role of the defense industry, which has developed a state -of -the -art submarine with advanced capabilities, placing Spain at the forefront of the military naval design and construction internationally.” “The S-80 series is a milestone for the strategic autonomy of the country, which reinforces its capacity for deterrence and projection in the marine field“He finally adds.
When the end of May approaches, The submarine will move to the Canary Islands to participate in the Day of the Armed Forces, where the first real torpedo against a surface torper is expected to be launched. The objective of the exercise is to test the capacities of the Spanish Navy to exercise the command and control of a naval force away from the coast of Spain in a medium-high intensity conflict.