Herrings come out hard and bitter? A friend of the cook explains where the error lies

by Andrea
Forget about water. Soak the herring in this and they will be tender and delicate in taste

Herring in oil, cream or spices are different variants of traditional dish, which Poles willingly eat not only from holidays. If you are also their big fan, you need to know the rules as soon as possible, thanks to which you will always enjoy a perfectly prepared fish with a delicate taste and soft consistency.

Unfortunately, many beginner chefs make a mistake through which herrings come out hard and bitter. You can avoid it if you learn a proven trick our friend’s cook.

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The method of cooking herring is more important than you think. It is because of the choice of the wrong method that their taste is unsatisfactory. A popular mistake, through which fish usually becomes bitter and rubbish, is her soaking too long in the water.

Yes, soaking herring allows you to quickly remove excess salt from them. This is an advantage, however It also eliminates the natural taste of fish, which is already a huge disadvantage, because the fish gains unpleasant bitterness.

So do not overdo it with tearing time. Receive it from cold water after a maximum of 1-2 hours (at that time You should replace it with fresh at least twice) for the last half hour of soaking, add milk to the water. Thanks to this, herring will be soft, they will have a pleasant taste and aroma.

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After all, did you make a mistake and your herrings came out bitter? Don’t worry, you don’t have to write them down yet. There is a simple way to quickly restore their delicate taste and softness. To save the taste of the dish, add sweet additions to herringwhich will balance bitterness.

Families, dried plums will work best. A good solution can also be adding marinated onions, plying fish with honey, linseed oil or tomato saucethanks to which herring will gain a bit of spiciness.


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