The report of Directorate-General for Reinsertion and Prison Services It points to several flaws to professionals, but Frederico Morais, president of the National Union of the Prison Guard, has no doubt: “The faults are from the prison system.”
The seven prison guards and the guardian head are heard this Wednesday who were Targets of a disciplinary proceeding by the inspection of the Directorate-General for Reinsertion and Prison Services, after the escape of five prisoners from the Jewish Valley Chain.
Interrogations, which extend to the a 15:30 this Wednesday, they started at 10:00.
It also guarantees that the guards in question “are quiet” because, on the day of the detainees evasion, “they have fulfilled all the rules e What the scale had done”.
“The failures that point us are the scales that force us to be cast in three or Four sites at the same time on the same day … There are no guards to do everything. Either it is not done or there is no other solution”He adds.
The union president fears that the SNCGP is being used as a “scapegoat for system failures”.
Frederico Morais also understands what “The true responsible” no are in the accusation and points Responsibilities:
“The Lord is missing director-general [dos Serviços Prisionais]which resigned at the time and is not even in the process, who was the maximum responsible for the safety of the chains at national level. There is a missing service scale herewhich is also responsible. ”
The call for interrogation by the Audit and Inspection Service (SAI) of the Directorate-General for Reintension and Prison Services (DGRSP) was sent to the Prison of Jewish Vale Prison on March 6.
Disciplinary proceedings were opened by the Minister of Justice, Rita Alarcão Judice, after recommendation of the report prepared by Sai and delivered to the government on October 17, about a month after the escape.
All fugitives were recaptured
The Judicial Police recaptured in February, in collaboration with the Spanish police, the last two evaded of the five who on September 7, 2024 fled from Jewish Valley.
Rodolfo Lohrman, 59 -year -old Argentine citizen, and 35 Briton Mark Roscaleer, were arrested by the Spanish National Police.
Fábio Loureiro, a 33 -year -old Portuguese, was recaptured on October 7, 2024 in Tânger, Morocco, and awaits extradition to Portugal.
A month later, Fernando Ribeiro Ferreira, 61 and also Portuguese, was arrested in a house in a small town of the municipality of Montalegre.
On December 10, the 40 -year -old Georgian Shergili Farjiani was recaptured in Italy.
When they fled, the five prisoners were serving penalties between seven and 25 years in prison for drug trafficking, criminal association, theft, kidnapping and bleaching, among other crimes.