The Minister of Environment and Climate Change, countered on Wednesday (19) the statement of a senator who said she wanted to hang her during her participation in the CPI of NGOs.
“With the lives of others you don’t play. Who plays with the lives of others or threatens others playing and laughing, only psychopaths are able to do it,” Marina said at the end of the federal government’s good morning program.
The minister referred to the statement of Senator Plínio Valério (PSDB-AM) during a ceremony of Fecomércio last Friday (14), where the parliamentarian criticized the work of the head of the portfolio. “Imagine what it is to tolerate Marina 6 hours and ten minutes without hanging it”, alluding to the participation of the ministry’s holder at the CPI of NGOs.
“I now suffered from the manifestation of a senator who made a statement that it was very difficult for him to talk to me for 6 hours without hanging me,” he said.
Marina stated that the parliamentarian’s speech is a way of inciting violence against women, and that even in positions of power and visibility like hers, women are still subject to attacks.
The minister said she understood that she became a target not only for being a woman, but for defending an environmental agenda that conflicts with the interests of a portion of the population.
“I wonder, someone who is a minister of the environment, someone who is somehow known inside and outside the country has to hear such a thing from someone to disagree with someone, because this is a way of inciting violence against a woman. It is hardly perhaps said if the debate were done with a man,” said the minister.
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