Like the traditional sport of sport, natural bodybuilding has gained a lot of repercussions in recent years. This division is sold as a healthy alternative to adherents of practice that do not want to use anabolic steroids (EAS). But how far intense bodybuilding training and restrictive diets can go before damaging the athlete’s health?
For doctor Paulo Muzy, specialist in sports medicine, bodybuilding training performed by a person who does not use exogenous hormones such as ergogenic resources can be characterized as “the only healthy sport” that exists.
Also according to the health professional, natural bodybuilding is limited by the athlete’s physical capacity. “If you respect the foundations of good training, you are very safe. That is, in this sense, training for natural bodybuilding is healthy. If you do bodybuilding every day without hormones, you will gain a strengthening that, in old age, for example, will be fundamental to the functioning of your life,” he adds.
Even without the use of EAS, long and followed preparations can generate various complications for the health of the bodybuilder. Liane Barbosa Cavalcante, who has recently been professionalized at Inba (acronym for ‘International Natural Bodybuilding Association’) for the Bikini category, faced problems with her hormonal axis after going through a year of resting competitions between tournaments.
“After the second championship, my testosterone was very low. As if I were an 8 -year -old or a 90 -year -old lady (…) the doctor told me that she didn’t know exactly the weight of the championships in this diagnosis, because this hormone had already begun to fall just before my first competition,” says the 24 -year professional bodybuilder.
Liane also points out that natural bodybuilders, on average, can be more likely to go through specific problems than hormone bodybuilders: “I had a problem that all doctors pointed out like a premenopausal – then we found that it was not exactly that, but I’m still doing the hormone axis. VI, these athletes seem not to suffer so much in this regard. It seems to be more controlled, as they can more control hormone levels.
Muzy, in turn, explains that EAS do not minimize the risks of preparation. What happens, most of the time, is the lack of perception of this type of adversity. “If you do an intense preparation, you will have problems using hormones or not. What the exogenous hormone does is ‘make up’ these problems … When you don’t have the EA, it’s harder for you to overdo it. You can’t get to a point you think you need to go. With the steroid, you can – regardless of whether it is causing you or not. Orthopedist.
Another point addressed by athletes and environmental experts is that long periods with low fat percentage can be harmful to the production of hormones by the body and joints. The healthcare professional also demystified this opinion: “In the joint, there is no problem. There is a myth about reset joints, but this does not happen. What happens when you stay in food restriction is that you are without the primordial fabric that produces a cell flag called leptin. Every time you eat, your fat produces leptin. Signals needed for hormone production such as testosterone and estradiol. Then their body fat is often low and its hormone production is affected, but not by the percentage of fat itself, but by low caloric intake. “
According to Liane, both natural bodybuilding and anti -doping bodybuilding are harmful to health. “The question of performance, and not just in bodybuilding, is that it changes (…) high performance is not healthy,” he claims.
Muzy, in turn, believes that “no sport is healthy. You need health to practice it until it ‘steals’ you – if it weren’t so, there would be no ‘overtraining’, there would be no ‘Reds’, etc. Sport is not healthy, but training for this sport can be.”
Finally, the doctor points out that “training for a sport can be healthy. Entering a competitive performance level is not. In the case of bodybuilding, both modalities are harmful like any sport.”
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