PP Approves Federation Training with União Brasil

by Andrea

President of the Progressive Party, Ciro Nogueira confirmed negotiations for possible alliance to increase number of parliamentarians in the House and ensure greater financing for elections of 2026

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So far, Union has not communicated its position

Last Tuesday (18), leaders of the (Pp) approved the acronym entry into a party federation with the . The main objective of this alliance is to increase the presence in the House of Representatives and to ensure a more robust financing for the 2026 elections. Currently, the Liberal Party (PL) holds the largest bench with 90 parliamentarians. With the Union, the PP and União Brasil would total 109 parliamentarians, becoming the largest bench in the . In addition, the alliance would enable access to almost 1 billion reais in funding for campaigns, the highest amount recorded in the Superior Electoral Court.

Negotiations between parties are underway. The national president of the PP, Ciro Nogueira, received authorization from state and parliamentary leaders to conduct the negotiations. In União Brasil, the discussions take place internally with political leaders and influential governors, such as Wilson Lima, from Amazonas, Ronaldo Caiado, from Goiás, and Mauro Mendes, from Mato Grosso. The next steps include more meetings to define whether the alliance will be formalized or not, which can significantly change the national political scenario.

However, there are concerns that this federation can weaken left candidates in the 2026 elections. Currently, there are three federations in the House of Representatives, the strongest being formed by PT, PCdoB, PV, known as “Brazil of Hope”. This federation seeks to expand its number of parliamentarians to face the advance of the right in the National Congress. The new alliance between PP and União Brasil can represent an additional challenge for progressive forces. In addition, there are dissatisfaction within the Rede Party on the Alliance with PSOL, and PSDB and Citizenship are in the process of ending their partnership, with citizenship studying to leave the covenant.

*With information from Aline Beckety

*Report produced with the aid of AI


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