Pride! João Ricardo shows herself with Inês Morais and leaves a message: “You had history…”

by Andrea
Orgulho! João Ricardo mostra-se com Inês Morais e deixa mensagem: “Fizeste história…”

João Ricardo used his Instagram account on the afternoon of Tuesday, March 18, to demonstrate his pride in Inês Morais, the winner of the program ‘Secret Story- Final Challenge’.

The former “Secret Story 8” contestant and also the ‘final challenge’ was to have lunch with the ‘Big Brother 2024’ winner and in the caption began to praise the young woman.

“Today I had lunch with this queen. The only person who entered two reality shows in less than a year and comes out with two wins, you made history!”he stressed.

João Ricardo recalled Inês Morais’s route within the latest game and proved to be ‘prepared’ for the success of his friend, personal and professional.

“Inside the house, you showed that there is no half-ground: either you live seriously or not worth it and I hope you still have the same!it is still read.

Also read:

Pride! João Ricardo shows himself with Inês Morals and leaves a message: “ made history … ”Pride! João Ricardo shows himself with Inês Morals and leaves a message: “ made history … ”


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