The Union Solidarity Social Project, which operates in the state capital of Acre, has taken actions to help those affected by the flood in the Six of August neighborhood. However, the group needs help, both to fund the necessary materials, such as food, water and animal feed, and with labor.
The group distributes food and water to families who did not leave their homes even in the midst of flood/photo: ceded
Nutritionist Robson Fadell is the founder and president of the Solidarity Union, explained how the group’s actions are happening and talked about the difficulties of continuing the actions.
“Today (19) we would go to the fourth day, but we need to interrupt the activities for lack of resources. So yesterday (18) we had no way to attend to not have inputs, not have material to produce the lunchboxes, the bags to produce the lunchboxes, so as not to have many families inside. The meal they have, this is where the União Project takes at the end of the day. The mineral water it has to consume today is ours, ”he said.
He further stresses that some families have food, but can not cook because there is no more water reaching the taps, or in those who have access to water, the liquid is contaminated and cannot be used safely.
President Fadell also points out that it is important, in addition to the donations of money and inputs, the labor, both for the production of lunchboxes and for their delivery in the neighborhood.
“I want to ask volunteers to assist us, as much as water has reduced, there is still a significant number of families that are flooded and need this support,” he said.
Fadell says donations can be made via Pix, and that the group is open for contact, if people are interested in helping other ways through the Instagram profile (@uniaosolidaria_ac), as well as WhatsApp: (68) 98124661
“There are still a lot of family requiring support for support in social projects. And this year is a year that is being very challenging, because as the river was gradually rising and some families were able to go to the shelters, others who have their highest homes chose to stay, the number of families has increased a lot, because there are a lot of family that was not for the shelter,” he explains, saying that due to permanence, more people need help in the neighborhoods.