These are the very common foods in Portuguese tables that should not warm again

by Andrea
These are the very common foods in Portuguese tables that should not warm again

Taking advantage of foods in the most effective way is critical to maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet. Often, leftover previous meals are reheated to avoid waste, but this practice is not always advised. Some foods, when heated again, lose nutrients and may even become harmful to health. Some of these foods are very common in the food of the Portuguese. It is one of those we are going to talk about in this article.

The egg

The egg, for example, is a protein -rich food and beneficial to health. However, when reheated, it can release substances that become toxic to the body, compromising its benefits.

The spinach

Spinach is another very nutritious food, known for its low caloric value and high content of vitamins and minerals. When consumed raw, its nutritional value is made the most of it. However, when reheated, the nitrate present in the leaves can become nitrite, a compound that is associated with hemoglobin and impairs the transport of oxygen in the blood.

The celery

The celery, widely used in soups and broths, also deserves attention. Like spinach, this vegetable contains nitrates that become nitrite when exposed to heat and can negatively affect health.

The potato

The potato, much appreciated by its versatility, also undergoes changes in reheating. In addition to losing much of the nutrients, their flavor changes and substances harmful to the body can be released.


Chicken, rich in high quality proteins, is another example of food that deserves caution. Temperature changes change their protein composition, which can cause digestive problems. Freezing chicken after cooked and reheating it later is not a recommended practice.

We recommend:

Enjoy the “leftovers”, but with caution

Reuse of leftovers should be done carefully to avoid unnecessary risks, as it refers to. Foods such as rice and dough, for example, should be refrigerated quickly after making and reheated only once to avoid proliferation of bacteria.

Way of keeping food

Storing food correctly is also essential. Using hermetic containers and maintaining the fridge temperature between 1 ° C and 5 ° C helps to conserve meals longer without compromising quality.

When deciding to reuse a meal, give preference to reheating methods that ensure a uniform temperature, such as the oven or frying pan instead of the microwave, which can leave cold zones where bacteria can be developed. Attention to storage time is another important factor. Prepared foods should not remain in the fridge for more than three days.

Avoid reheating

Avoiding successive reheats is also crucial. Each time a food is heated again, loses nutrients and can become a culture medium for microorganisms. Whenever possible, try to cook appropriate quantities to avoid leftovers and thus ensure the freshness and quality of meals.

Inform yourself about the best way to conserve and reuse food contributes to a safer and more nutritious diet, as well as helping to reduce food waste. In the end, the secret is to balance the use of food with food safety, ensuring healthy and tasty meals.

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