These mushrooms are forest rubies. They are delicious and the season is just beginning for them

by Andrea
These mushrooms are forest rubies. They are delicious and the season is just beginning for them

Along with the upcoming in Polish forests, the fungal season begins slowly. The weather is more and more beautifully conducive to long walks, during which you can find real treasures.

When you see “forest rubies” don’t hesitate to put them in the basket. Of course, it is about edible Austrian cupswhich, due to the unusual color, resemble precious stones. Poles rarely collect them, and they are healthy and have an interesting, delicate taste.

As for what Austrian bowl looks like, it is easy to see, because it looks interesting. It has fruiting bodies with small cups (chare – hence the name) with an intense brick -red shade.

Inside, the mushroom is smooth and shiny, and felive, pinkish, covered with subtle bright hairs. Austrian bowl usually has 1 to 5 cm, and its handle can be from 3 to 5 cm.

At first glance, you can confuse Austrian bowl with a confusingly similar crimson bowl with a slightly more expressive shade, but this fortunately is also edible. It only has a more intense taste and a compact consistency.

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Austrian bowl appears in the forests in early spring. It is a dining mushroom that can be collected from March to May (sometimes even from February), but it is not very popular among collectors. Perhaps because it was strictly protected by 2014, However, it can now be collected without fear. It’s saprotrof.

Austrian cups can usually be found on the branches of deciduous trees, i.e. willow, clones or alder. The most grow in humid forests, especially in mountain and foothill areas.

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Some say CAustrian Zaraki are not particularly tasty mushrooms, but connoisseurs love them. They have a delicate, slightly nutty aftertaste with a hint of radish. Some compare them to truffles.

Austrian bowl in the kitchen You can use as a ingredient of light soup, fry it in butter or olive oil with the addition of garlic, thyme and parsley or make an add -on to scrambled eggs. There are many possibilities.


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