Unemployment allowance was annulled to thousands of people: know what was the main reason

by Andrea
Unemployment allowance was annulled to thousands of people: know what was the main reason

Last year, thousands of people saw their unemployment allowance canceled due to the breach of the rules associated with this installment. A new report from the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP) reveals that several situations have led to the cancellation of support, including difficulties in fulfilling obligations and problems in communication between services and unemployed.

Increased annulment in 2024

According to the document, 6,232 cancellations of registration of beneficiaries of unemployment allowance were registered, an increase of 15.3% compared to the previous year. Most cases are related to the lack of response to job centers calls, a mandatory requirement to maintain support.

Lack of calls is the main reason

According to the cancellations, more than four thousand (76%) were due to the absence of beneficiaries in the calls for employment services. Other reasons included the lack of work proof of work (12%), non -comparison in follow -up entities (5%) and the refusal of job offers considered adequate (2.5%).

Problems with notifications and postal deliveries

Of the unemployed who lost the subsidy, 834 appealed the decision, arguing, in many cases, that they did not receive the calls. Among these, 151 alleged change of address and 124 reported failures in the distribution of CTT.


The IEFP report points out that there are problems for the delivery of the calls for years. Precary residences, degraded neighborhoods and mailboxes in poor condition are pointed out as factors that make it difficult to communicate between services and beneficiaries.

Impact on the immigrant population

The document also underlines that the growing presence of immigrants among the unemployed has an impact on these numbers. Geographic mobility and linguistic difficulties contribute to the breach of obligations associated with unemployment allowance.

Disease and failures in the notification system

In addition to the postal problems, 114 of the applicants justified the lack of health problems, while 58 pointed out difficulties with the electronic notification system.

Most decisions confirm annulment

Among the more than 800 resources presented to IEFP, almost 70% resulted in the maintenance of the initial decision. However, 79 beneficiaries were able to recover the subsidy, while in 142 cases the appeal was extinguished for other reasons.

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Recurrent profile

Data analysis reveals that a growing number of foreigners is among those who resort to the decision. The IEFP highlights that 40.9% of the applicants are not Portuguese citizens of birth, an increase compared to the previous year.

Barriers to integration into the labor market

The difficulty in the Portuguese language and the lack of knowledge about the functioning of institutions are challenges that affect the integration of these citizens into society and the labor market.

Need for new public policies

Given this scenario, the IEFP report argues that it is urgent to rethink employment support strategies and vocational training. In addition, it suggests improvements in communication mechanisms between services and beneficiaries.

The Role of Social Security

The need to ensure a better articulation between different public organizations is also highlighted in the report. The goal is to prevent administrative failures from leading to the loss of essential support for many families.

Impact on access to employment

Loss of subsidy can make professional reintegration difficult, making the job market even more complicated, especially for those who face greater social and economic difficulties.

Challenges for the Future

The tendency to increase in annulment of unemployment allowance raises questions about the effectiveness of current mechanisms for control and employment support. The IEFP report suggests that additional measures will be required to ensure that beneficiaries understand and fulfill the rules, avoiding improper cuts in support.

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